Chapter Twenty Five

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"Are you kidding?" I exclaimed.

But the expression on Klaus' face alone told me he wasn't. He must've been mad if he thought that me going anywhere near his house was a good idea. Was he completely forgetting the fact that our families didn't get on? If my parents caught me going into that house I was dead meat. I wasn't sure what sort of punishment I would be given but I figured it would probably be on the level of disownment.

"No," Klaus said, frowning slightly. "You want your book, don't you?"

"Well, yeah. But if my mum saw me-"

"I know," Klaus cut me off, "you'd be in trouble. That's why we'll just be sneaky."

I looked away. He couldn't be serious. Our houses were so close to each other, hell, you could see his front door from mine. All it took was my nosey mother to do some curtain twitching and whatever plan Klaus was cooking up would fall through. Did I really want to risk everything for a book?

It was a really good book though...

"Fine," I said finally, crossing my arms. "But if my mum's car is in the drive, I'm going straight home. No arguments."

"Deal," he replied and held his hand out for me to shake.

All that was left to do now was to wait for the remaining few minutes to tick by (Klaus suggested we go early but I refused. If we were doing this, it was on my terms) and then we were out the door and walking together to our shared street. 

It felt bizarre to walk with Klaus. Only a couple of months ago, even the idea of Klaus and I talking would seem absurd. But here I was, on the way to his house.

I tried not to think about my Mum and how disappointed she would be if she caught me. But then again, did she really expect me to continue her hatred of the Baudelaires? She had never really specified what she didn't like about them, so could she really expect me to want to follow in those footsteps?

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice how far we had walked until we were turning onto our street and all the familiar houses came into view. Then I felt bad that I hadn't tried to make conversation the entire time. I bet he's regretting inviting me over, I thought to myself.

I took a quick glance towards my house and saw that the driveway was empty. That alone almost made me sigh with relief. At least now I could step through the door without feeling completely sick.

There was a single car in Klaus' drive which I didn't question. I figured it was a spare car opposed to meaning someone was in the house. Klaus wouldn't bring me here if his family was home, right?

I followed Klaus as he pushed through the already unlocked door, and I couldn't stop the gasp that came out of my mouth as I took in the view in front of me. From the outside alone, it was clear that the Baudelaire house would be filled with lavish things. But nothing could prepare me for the staircase.

It was dark wood, and every step acted as a bookshelf, which made the ascent a colourful array of different spines and stories. The entire entrance hall acted as a personal library, but it was the stairs that really took my breath away.

"Wow," I commented, "this is amazing."

"I'm glad you like it," Klaus said. He smiled slightly. Maybe. It was so brief that I wasn't quite sure if he had, or if I was imagining it. But it still made me happy to think he was proud of his family's book collection.

"I'm jealous. I wish we had a library at my house," I breathed, running my hands over a few of the shelves and taking everything in.

"Start one."

"I really should."

"Now I just have to find this book for you," Klaus said quietly, before he began his search.

I let him get to work and stayed out of the way, just walking around and admiring everything. There were objects hidden between the books: small globes, crystals, statues. It was like being in a tiny museum.

Then, as I was looking at a figurine of a lady dancing, a thud from upstairs made me jump out of my skin.

"What's that?" I asked hurriedly.

"Just the nanny," Klaus replied, not taking his eyes off the shelves. "My little sister doesn't go to school yet so the nanny stays here with her."

I nodded, although he wasn't looking in my direction, and tried to focus on slowing my heart rate. I wasn't sure what the reaction would be if Klaus' parents came in and saw me here. To be quite honest, I wasn't sure how deep our families rivalry ran. Or how severe the events that led to the rivalry were. I didn't really want to find out at this moment in time.

"Ah, there it is!" Klaus said suddenly, and I smiled as he handed me the book.

"Thanks," I replied, running my fingers over the cover. It was well worn, which just made me even more excited to read it. If someone had picked it up this many times, it must've been an amazing story. It made me wonder how many times it had been read and reread, and whether this book was bought new when the library was put together or if it was handed down.

Of course, none of that mattered. I was just curious.

"Thank you," I said again. "I think I should probably go home now."

"Or you could stay," Klaus exclaimed, seeming to take both me and himself by surprise, "we have food if you want a snack or something."

I was about to say no, that I should really get home before I'm caught, when I heard something that made me freeze.

The front door clicked and, before I could even think about hiding or coming up with an excuse or doing anything really, it swung open and my heart dropped.

A/N: Omg! Sorry it's been a little while. I'm on holiday right now haha so I'm not really following my usual schedule. Also for some reason recently I decided to teach myself to play the piano (as if I need anymore hobbies 🤪) so that's been taking up some of my time.

Also side note, idk if you guys play Animal Crossing but man I'm so excited for the new one to come out. I'm having withdrawals just waiting for it hahaha

Anyways, I hope you guys liked this chapter! Thank you so much for all your support, whether it be through votes, comments or even just reading this story. I really appreciate it!!

I hope you have a great day/night wherever you are!
Bye! ❤️

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