3. Dancing and cleaning

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The dreams of  lovers are like good wine
They bring some joy
and they bring some sorrow.

The voice of the speaker went off bringing happy smiles into the faces of her family, soon she followed the music's invisible lines, swaying her hips, spinning and singing while she cleaned off the dust from the old table. Not longer later her mother with a chuckle followed her daughter's movements and listening to her soft voice.

- Can I have this dance, mademoiselle? - Eddie asked bowing lightly to the young girl and extended his hand to her.

- I'm flattered monsieur. - she answered bowing while holding her yellow dress' skirt . The teen giggled taking his hand in hers and they started swaying together, walzing around the room.

I'm so weakened by hunger,  so saddened
To be thieving in darkness;
I know you're not pleased, but nothing
Worth eating is free.

Brahms was standing behind the wall watching the family having fun with each other an listening to the sweet calm voice of Kaira. In his mind he imagined himself holding her tightly and protectively in his arms while she sang the song and they swayed under the stars, barefoot on the grass of the mansion's garden.
- My hope is banquet impatiently downed
Impossibly full, now I'll probably drown. - she sang softly with her eyes closed until she opened them and two hazel diamonds stared up into his brown eyes. They sparkled with happiness and she yelped when he picked her up with no struggle and spun her in the air. He then lowered her down while the music followed, she smiled up at him and with small blush giggled at him. - Many thieves' lives are lonely With one mouth to feed.
If giving means taking, I'll never succeed
For nothing worth stealing is...

- a moment like this is worth stealing, Brahms.- she whispered to him with a genuine smile. Suddenly he lifted his mask just above his nose and closed the space between them kissing her lovingly. His heart quickened when he felt her putting her arms around his neck and bringing him closer kissed him back with as much passion.

- I love you, darling. - he opened his eyes realizing that the voice was not her and looked behind the wall, that was not him with Kaira. Edward was kissing Kaira's mother passionately while the young teen stand few feet away from them and tried hard not to cringe at the romantic scene.

Free at last; I won't be undersold
Surviving isn't living, won't eat
What I'm told, let me free
I'll astonish you,

- Ew. I told you guys last night. Find a room. - she said with disgusted face making the adults laugh at her.

-Sweetheart, one day you'll find a man of your dreams and you'd understand. - her mother told her with a shook of her head and after letting go of Edward she went back to cleaning the huge house. - Anyway you had a good idea to do it together instead of hiring cleaners.

- Duh! It was my plan. - she said like she was stating something obvious and smiled at her mother. - And besides it's fun and cheaper that way. 

- Anything you say, Kai. - Edward said with a grin and followed his girlfriend and went back to cleaning once again.

-I'm planning to fly!
I won't let this party just pass me by! - Kaira sang underneath her breath when suddenly she felt the same feeling that she felt that morning. Someone was watching her, and it started giving her creeps ever since she noticed the disappearance of her favourite hoodie from her room. A shiver went down her spine once she went up to make her bed and it looked like last night there were two people instead of only herself. But she didn't told her mother or Eddie about it, they'd think she's going crazy.
   I hope that he's at least hot... she giggled at her small thought and went on with cleaning the old chair when underneath the dust she noticed a little carved writing in it.

- Brahms? - she asked out loud reading her fingertips lightly brushing against the wood lyrics. His heart suddenly stopped. Could it be... that she know about him?

- What was that, Kai? - her mother asked looking at her curiously.

- Brahms. There's a name carved into the chair. - she said looking at the chair with interest when Ed walked up to her and put his hand on her arm.

I won't let this party just pass me by...
Bringing out the bottles,

- I believe that's the name of the old owners' dead child. Brahms Heelshire if I'm not wrong. - he said to her. She smiled sadly looking at the chair.

- Brahms Heelshire... - she said softly and his heart jumped in his chest again when he heard his name rolling off her tongue delicately.  - I feel sorry for him. Poor kid died before he had chance to live. - she said her heart softening at the remembrance of the image of a little boy in the painting. She imagined how he could look now if he would be still alive. He would be handsome and tall. She smiled to herself and went on to cleaning.

a new tale Has spun, 
I'm clearing the table, my new
life's begun.
I am happy at the idea of this new destiny
A lifetime of hiding, I'm suddenly free!
My dinner is waiting for me...

A few hours later there were finished with the main floor of the building. Kaira cringed at thought of the two more floors to clean but they decided to leave that for tomorrow. She went to her room and looked in the mirror, her used to be yellow dress was now dirty from dust and she squinted her eyes with disgust. She make her way to the closet and at last second Brahms dissapeared behind the secret door before she spot him. She took out a blue dress and a new pair of underwear before she left the room to take a shower.

Brahms listened the door closing behind her and instead of following her this time he walked out into her room and looked around. The bed was made and her green pajamas were laying on the covers. His rough big fingers brushed the soft material. He grabbed it and raised it to his mask smelling the soft scent of her mango shampoo and perfumes. He smiled to himself and walked out of the room to the secret passageways taking the pajamas with him. There in his lair on his makeshift bed was laying a life sized doll looking just like her. It had her hoodie and black pants he borrowed from her. He put the pajamas on a chair and layed down beside the doll. He sighed with contet and cuddled up to it taking in her scent with a smile.

- Kaira... - he whispered the beautiful name softly holding the doll in his arms in the way he would want one day to hold her.

A lifetime of hiding, I'm suddenly free!
My dinner is waiting for me...

"Sick of being so lonely" - Brahms HeelshireWhere stories live. Discover now