2.Bright morning and exploring

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    Soft morning's light entered the old room with the sound of birds singing outside. Rays of sunlight tingled the small frame of female body laying in the bed. The 19 years old girl stirred around in the covers and cuddled to her pillow hoping to go back to sleep. Weird... the warmth of the pillow seemed different than at night. She thought to herself not knowing that the pillow she was cuddled last night in fact was the arm of the large male that was right know sleeping in his own makeshift bed.
She layed with her eyes closed for another hour but the nice dream she had refused to come back to her arms. She groaned and sat up looking around herself tiredly before stretching her arms and yawning.

- What time is it? - she asked herself getting up, winced when her feet came in contact with the cold wooden floor, and walked up to the desk. She picked up her phone and unplucked the charger from it. She looked at the cracked screen, her mother still not knowing about it being broken, the time showing it was 8:35 am. - Huh? New record of early waking up. Ah life scores. - she giggled to herself and walked up to the wardrobe to pick up new set of clothes for the day.
After being satisfied with her choice she went to the bathroom and turned on the music. The sound of AC/DC Thunderstruck hit her ears while she stripped out of her pajamas. She hummed softly to the rhythm as she jumped into the shower.

Thunder, thunder, thunder, thunder

She moved her head to the beat and swayed her hips slowly as the hot water hit her body. Her lips softly moved to the lyrics as she put the shampoo into her brownish red hair. She hit her foot on the music slowly consuming her.

I was caught
In the middle of a railroad track
I looked round
And I knew there was no turning back

As she washed she softly moved to the music fully letting it posses her body and soul. Before she could realise she started singing the lines along with Brian Johnson and his god damn high voice.
Little did she know that a certain man was listening to her with curiosity and watching her movements in the shower. To Brahms dislike her body was covered by the mist on the glass of shower, but just seeing the shadow of her swying body to the music bake the same heat from last night rise up to his face. As much as he wanted to look away and gave her the privacy he couldn't force himself to.

My mind raced
And I thought what could I do
And I knew
There was no help, no help from you
Sound of the drums
Beating in my heart

    Only then when she walked out of the shower and started drying herself he could catch the glimpse of her body. Even thought the scars her naked body to him was flawless and send a shiver go down his spine. But those scars made him wonder why they were there on her body. They looked like scratches made by blade. His hands clutched in fists at the thought that someone hurt her. His anger was quickly replaced by a knew feeling when she started again swaying to the music, ,her hair all wet and down, her body covered by only a blue towel and... oh her voice. It was so hypnotizing.

The thunder of guns
Tore me apart
You've been

- Thunderstruck! - she screamed loudly and moved her hips left and right to the rhythm. Suddenly Brahms felt the heat rise up not only to his cheeks but to his whole body, his heart started beating faster than it ever did before and started to feel weirdly uncomfortable tightness in his pants. He puts his hands against the wall keeping him away from her wanting so badly to touch her. To feel her skin under his. To hear her heart beating. And what was worse that he had no idea what was going on with him. He wanted to hold her close and tightly. To never let go. 

"Sick of being so lonely" - Brahms HeelshireWhere stories live. Discover now