I Have a Plan

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Sierra slammed the table.
Rayfa stared at Sierra. "What's wrong?" she asked.
Sierra quietly mumbled insults about Angie.
Rayfa stared at Sierra once more. "Sierra, if you don't tell me- I'll..." she began.
Sierra glared at Rayfa. "Why don't you just leave me alone, Rayfa?!" she yelled.
Rayfa didn't flinch. "Sierra, I just want to talk."
Sierra went back to sulking.
Rayfa went over to the core in their lair. She pulled out a hologram and tapped and slid. She finally stopped and pressed a button on the hologram.
The tunnel under the lair sent out evil octo missiles.
"Whoever you were searching for, I've gotten them now. I've sent Octo Missiles to hunt for whoever they are." Rayfa stroked Sierra's tentacles.
Sierra stood up and smiled at Rayfa. "I have a plan, Rayfa." she smiled as Rayfa beamed.
"Shoot." she said, crossing her arms together.
"We'll wait until we get intel on the missiles. Ten minutes after it has fired, we will jump over to the scene, witness the explosion, and FIGHT HER!" Sierra imitated an explosion.
Rayfa raised a brow. "But what if she's gone?" she asked.
"Don't worry! Pearl and Marina Ida are probably there. The explosion could target them both, and Angie will get some sort of notification, jump and sacrifice, they're all splatted BOOM!" Sierra rambled.
Rayfa still didn't understand. "Your talking makes me sick." she hissed. "I can't seem to understand you, but I understood the first part."
"Oh, you! The way you talk makes me sick! You make yourself sound intelligent!" Sierra yelled.
Rayfa leapt back and held out her charger. "If you won't shut your rambling mouth, I'll do it myself!"
Sierra hesitated for a moment. "Why are we even fighting?" she asked.
"I don't know," Rayfa quietly replied.
They both pondered for a long time, until...
"Hey, do you mind repeating your plan again? I didn't understand...": Rayfa politely asked.
Sierra nodded.

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