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Over the past few weeks Taehyung has had Jungkook over a lot and most of the time he was dressed up all cute. Today he was wearing a white top with a sun and very colorful short (see image above) but it was all covered by Taehyungs Mustard yellow NASA hoodie.

'Love where did you get that.'

'Your room' the younger boy giggled.

'Hey! You can't just steal all my clothes.' Taehyung ran after him, jungkook soon caught on and started to run in attempt to get away.


'I got you!' Taehyung picked the boy up over his shoulder and threw him on the bed. Jungkook was now in a giggling fit because of Taehyungs tickles.

'STOP PLEASE TAE QUIT HELP' Jungkook attempted to find help.

Soon the two ended up omg the bed with The oldest laying on the youngers tummy.

'Hey tae?'

'Yes bubba?'

'Why do you live by yourself?'

'When i came out my parents didn't like the idea of that as there son so my older brother Chan offered to help with rent and he tend to come over every week end.'

'Will he be over today?'




'Speak of the devil.'

'Hello friend im Chan, Taehyungs older brother!'

Chan introduces himself to the other and that's when they realize that Chan had someone with him.

'Hello im Woojin! Chan's boyfriend.' They boy said happily.

'I'm Taehyung and this is my best friend Jungook.'

'Oh hi!' Jungkook giggled

'I love those shorts Jungkook they fit your thighs perfectly!' Woojin Announced with a smile.

'T-thank you.'

'brought food but we will go prepare it in the kitchen.' Chan said talking about him and Woojin.

The other two boys settled on the couch with Jungkook on Taehyungs lap. The Youngers head was curled up in the olders neck.


'Food a done.' Woojin announced.

They all went and sat in the living room where Taehyung had his only table.

'Hey Chan hyung why do you have a different accent then Tae?'

'We are both Aussies but I lived there longer so he didn't get the accent.'



The day had ended with the boys leaving Taehyungs house splitting ways where as Woojin and Chan went to there apartment and Taehyung and Jungkook ended up sleeping at Jungkooks.


HELLO MY POTAETOES! Long time no see!

I hope you are all staying safe and clean remember to wash you hands. This thing sucks schools are shutting down everywhere!

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