Chapter 13: Our project pt.1

Start from the beginning

I heavily sighed, went up stairs in my room and started my homework.

Courtney's POV

I was in my rooming laying on my bed thinking. I couldn't stop thinking about Scott. I'm not really sure why I can't stop thinking about him.

I mean, I haven't been much for boys during my freshman and sophomore year. But I want to tell how I feel but I can't. There's just too many setbacks.

I can't be in a relationship.

Not right now....

There was a sudden knock on my door.

"Courtney?" My mom knocked on my room door.

I continued to stare blankly at my ceiling fan slowly spin.

"I'm gonna come in." My mom said on the other end of my room.

I didn't respond and continued to watch my ceiling fan spin. My mom came in and noticed my mood.

"Courtney. What are you doing?" My mom asked, sitting on my bed.

"Oh nothing. Just thinking." I said not moving my eyes off of the ceiling fan.

"What about?" My mom asked.

I slowly sat up on my bed.

"Mom. When will I be able to get a boyfriend?" I asked.

"Where is this coming from?"

"It's just I noticed something. I'm studying so much to get a great career, which is great but, I'm not sure I want to be alone." I explained.

"Courtney. This is sudden. What made you think this? Did someone ask you out?" My mom asked.

"No. It's just a thought I guess." I shurgged and happily sighed.

"Well, you'll have friends."

"I know. But I want someone... well, you know. For me. Who will always have time for me." I stated.

My mom heavily sighed and patted me on my back.

"I understand how you feel. I was a lot like you growing up. Though you have to keep your focus on your studies."

"I know and I will. But can't I have a partner?" I asked.

"Later you can. But as if now you live under my house and under my rules. I've been saving up for your college career path since you were 3 and a half. You made it this far and this is one of your most important days of your life. You CAN NOT afford to lose it all to a boy. If he sticks around senior year... maybe you can see him. Am I making myself clear?"

"Yes mother." I nodded.

"Come on. I'll take you out to eat and then drop you back off here. I have a bit of Christmas shopping to take care of."

I felt my heart light up

"Can I come with you." I said quickly.

"Courtney, you coming in defeats the purpose of me doing the 'secret Santa' shopping for you."

"I know, I wanted to buy my friend a gift." I stated." Please. It's important."

"Fine. I'll shop for you tomorrow. We'll shop for your friend."

"Thanks mom!"


I got on my coat and joined her in the car. My mom started up the car.

"So, what do you plan on getting your 'friend'?" My mom asked.

"Well... I was thinking about getting him a-" I started but my mom inturupted me.

"Him?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Um. Yeah. Him. It's a guy I'm shopping for. I-is there something wrong with that?" I asked.

"No. Of course not. I was just curious. That's all."

We didn't talk for the rest of the ride. Which makes sense as there's nothing really to talk about. We arrived at the store.

"Alright. Let's make this quick. I'm starving." My mom stated.

I walked around looking for something. I needed the perfect gift. Then I came across something that caught my eye.

"This is perfect." I grinned, picking it up.

"A blue scarf? That's it?" My mom raised an eyebrow.

"It's the thought that counts." I stated.

The next day(still Courtney's POV)

I was in advisory with Scott. We didn't actually have a conversation today. We just greeted each other.

I was mostly reading my book and he was just on his phone. I noticed Mr. Riggs in my advisory in the doorway.

He signaled me and Scott to follow him. Me and Scott exchanged a look and followed him into the hallway.

"Okay, today you two are going to the farm for your project. My assistant and good friend Mrs. Bell will be there. You two will just follow her and do what she ask." Mr. Riggs explained.

"So, we just go around assisting her with everything?" I asked.

"Exactly. Now if you head outside there will be a yellow bus. The bus driver is expecting you two. The driver will pick you guys back up around 1:30. When you get back, you'll just go home."

"Really? That's it?" Scott asked.


"What about our classes?" I quickly asked.

"You're excused from all your classes today. If any of your teachers don't allow you to make up your work, let me know. This is a grade. Now go." He pointed.

Me and Scott walked in silence. I felt so awkward around him. I don't really know why. Maybe It's because I know my feelings for him and know his might differ.... either way it was just quite.

Scott's POV

Me and Courtney were walking in the hallway together. We could only hear the sound of each other's footsteps and that's about it.

She...... isn't talking to me..... d-does she know? Did, Kitty tell her? No, I don't think she would do that.

Then again, Courtney is smart. Greater than smart. Far beyond smart. She probably figured out herself.

I probably made it obvious. I wanna tell her sooner or later but.... I'm not sure how to. She kept making quick glances over at me then back down at the ground.

"So... nice day we're having huh?" I said awkwardly as she gave a small nod.

I probably should've just not said anything. It feels like I made things more awkward then what they already were.

Courtney's POV

We got to the exit and went outside. I quickly put back on my coat after I got outside. Scott brought a red hoodie with him.

We approached the bus. The driver looked at us and nodded. We both got in. I sat down on the bus with my bookbag and heavily sighed.

An: yeah... I really have to work with my schedule. I should try to be more constant but here's the chapter.

I hope you enjoy it. Bye!

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