Chapter two

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Izaya turned over onto his side and felt a wave of nausea hit him immediately. The feeling slowly washed away, and Izaya opened his eyes to be greeted by the sunlight pouring into his room through his window. Izaya slowly sat himself up in his bed and stretched his arms, preparing to get himself ready for the day. He stepped out of bed and walked over to his door, turning the handle, and immediately smelled someone cooking in his kitchen. Izaya kept his flickblade in his pocket and stayed on guard, when he saw Shizuo standing in his kitchen cracking an egg with one hand and flipping a pancake in the air with another. Izaya was absolutely shocked; so yesterday wasn't a dream, he thought to himself. Izaya slowly walked down to his coffee table and noticed that Namie had left the Chess, Othello, and Shogi pieces for Izaya to clean up. He frustratedly sighed aloud and swept the pieces away and onto the board, walking back up to his room and laying them on his desk.

Once he finished up, he walked back and noticed that there was now a plate with two pancakes and a slab of butter on the coffee table, while also being drizzled with a dark substance, maple syrup, he presumed. The maple syrup seemed to have been drizzled into a bad heart that was displayed on the pancakes. Shizuo was also at his table, eating another plate of eggs and pancakes as well. Izaya walked closer to the table and looked at Shizuo with a confused look on his face. Shizuo swallowed the food that was in his mouth, and then spoke. "Made you breakfast." He said, and then continued to eat. Izaya nodded and sat down, still not having the answer he wanted, which was why he hade breakfast in the first place. Besides, to Izaya, breakfast was one of the most unneeded and unnecessary things to need in a day. Izaya didn't eat very often because of how much he was consumed with observing humans. Well, at least that was his excuse for not eating almost anything Namie made him.

People had a hard time believing that if he did want to eat, he would skip his lunch break to observe people. Izaya's relationship with food was the opposite of his relationship with wanting to cause people stress and pain in their lives, then. Izaya lifted up the fork and stabbed it into his food, taking a chunk out of one of the pancakes and trying to get as little syrup on it as possible, slipping the sliver into his mouth. Surprisingly, it wasn't poisoned like he had originally thought. To Izaya, it actually tasted- dare he said it- good. Izaya would have expected a Shizuo to have been an absolutely terrible cook, but his food was pretty much amazing. This would have been the first time that Izaya had eaten breakfast in about eight months, but that didn't mean he never ate; it just meant that Izaya didn't eat in the morning. Izaya would mostly just eat "whenever he felt hungry", which was roughly at an estimate, one time per day. No wonder why Shinra was so concerned for Izaya's health.

Izaya and Shizuo both continued to eat in silence for a couple more minutes. Izaya didn't exactly know what else to do or say, if he was trying to be honest. He would be what you called, socially awkward. Suddenly, Shizuo stood up and brought his plate to the kitchen sink and washed it off, Izaya continuing to eat his food alone at the coffee table. When Shizuo was finished, Izaya was only a quarter-done with his breakfast. "How long does it take you to eat?" Shizuo said loudly, sitting next to Izaya as he chewed his food. Izaya swallowed and sighed, getting up and taking his plate with him while walking to the kitchen. He left the plate inside of the fridge, and then responded with, "There. Are you happy now, Shizu-Chan?" Shizuo sighed loudly, thinking that Izaya was practically starving himself, and nodded, stepping towards Izaya and dragging him towards his room. "You need to take a shower in the morning, flea." He said in an annoyed tone. Izaya didn't think that morning showers were pleasant and thought that just taking a shower in the evening was much more easy and reliable. Izaya agreed anyway though, walking into his room and stripping his cloths down, stepping into his bathroom.

Izaya stepped into the bathtub and pulled the faucet, immediately feeling the cold water rush down his skin as he adjusted the temperature of the water to his preferred temperature setting. If he was honest, it didn't matter if he was taking a shower in the morning, afternoon, or evening. Feeling the warm water in his hair and on his skin was extremely relaxing in some way. It reminded him of the feeling of being hugged by somebody. It might have been a stupid reason, but that was why Izaya enjoyed it. Izaya gently lathered a small amount of shampoo into his hair and rubbed it into each side of his head, feeling much more relaxed. For some reason, Izaya felt less lonely when he was in the shower. It made him feel relaxed and more at home in his shower than in the covers of his bed. Quite funny, he thought to himself.

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