2.Bright morning and exploring

Start from the beginning

Rode down the highway
Broke the limit, we hit the town
Went through to Texas, yeah Texas, and we had some fun
We met some girls
Some dancers who gave a good time

     His thoughts were once again stopped when he saw her take off the towel and put on the clothes she readied before. His brown irises following her every movements, every muscle on her body, every rise and fall of her chest while she breathed. He tried to calm down but the hotness inside him only increased and the tightness in his trousers was almost unbearable to ignore. He looked down at himself and was surprised to see a large bulge poking out of his brown from dust pants. He frowned not knowing what was going on with him because it has never happened before to him. Usually he had to touch himself for that to happen.

Broke all the rules
Played all the fools
Yeah yeah they, they, they blew our minds
And I was shaking at the knees
Could I come again please
Yeah them ladies were too kind
You've been

   He looked up again and fear crossed his heart when he didn't saw the female inside it or hear the music she was just listening to. He quickly ran around the tunnels looking in every room with dread that something happened to her - that she saw him watching her and ran away afraid of him.
At the thought of her leaving him his heart quickened but calmed down only when he found her. Eating pancakes in the kitchen and chatting happily with the male from yesterday.

- Got any plans for today, Kaira? - the guy with glasses asked her with another nervous smile like the previous evening. Kaira? Beautiful name... Brahms smiled dreamily under his mask and watched the young woman stuff her face with another pancake with what looked to be chocolate cream.

- Yup. - she said with mouth full and swallowed the sweet breakfast. She took a sip from her tea before saying another words. - Exploring the house pretty much. I feel like it has some big mystery in it's walls.

I was shaking at the knees
Could I come again please

- I bet. Heard the old owners' 8 years old son  killed some little girl and then he died in the fire. - he answered making the younger womans eyes go wide but not with fear - with curiosity instead.

- So cool. Maybe I'll find a dead body upstairs so you can analyze them. - she said and they both laughed. She drank the rest of her tea and took two more pancakes with chocolate cream before standing up. - Well I'll be off to my crime adventures. Oh by the way. Those are freaking good pancakes, Eddie.

- I'm glad you like them. - he answered with another nervous grin and watched as the young female left the room. He took a plate of few and left the kitchen as well.

Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck

It's alright, we're doin' fine
It's alright, we're doin' fine, fine, fine
Thunderstruck, yeah, yeah, yeah
Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck

  Brahms stood there for a moment contemplating on what to do next. He wanted to follow Kaira but also part of him wanted to try those pancakes. Because she liked them. Before he could change his mind he quickly stepped out from the walls grabbed five of the pancakes and added some chocolate cream just like she did and dissapeared again inside the walls.
While he started looking for the small female he lifted his mask just above his nose and took a bite of the sweet breakfast. She was right, those were one freaking good pancakes. He made his mind. Eddie may stay here with them.

Thunderstruck, baby, baby
Thunderstruck, you've been Thunderstruck
Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck

   Kaira was walking from room to room watching everything with curiousity filling her hazel eyes. Every hallway, room, chair and wall had a hidden story to it and all it takes is to focus to find them - at least that's what uncle Sher used to tell her when she was back in London. At first when she met her mother's new boyfriend Edward she already liked him, there was something off about him - weird, mysterious like he was hiding something. Oh but how angry her mother got when she found out that he took her to his job like uncle Sher that one time... to examine a dead body. She laughed to herself remembering how her face went almost as read as tomato and how suddenly the queen of calmness turned into queen of hearts screaming at both Eddie and uncle Sher - for a moment the trio even thought that she'll say the canonical "Off with their heads!" quote.

Her eyes roamed the new room she arrived at. It was bigger and wider, on the left was an old piano and on the right gigantic cupboard filled with all sized and all aged books. She smiled to herself softly touching the keys, maybe she didn't know how to play the piano but now when she has one she may as well learn. Suddenly a shiver went down her spine and her body filled weird feeling of being watched, just like in the bathroom this morning. She looked around but noticed no one in the room beside her. She shook her head thinking that it must be being in the new place and especially being for the first time in  such a big place like this mansion is.

Little did she know that indeed she was watched by a large male standing two feet away from her inside the wall...

You've been Thunderstruck

"Sick of being so lonely" - Brahms HeelshireWhere stories live. Discover now