That terrible night...

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Remy was enraged after seeing me eat yet another squishy, I'd like to say...mushroom? Out of the trash can besides the old ladies cottage he exclaimed "DON'T YOU HAVE TASTE BUDS!?"
"I don't understand what you want from me Remy! I'm a gosh darn rat imma eat garbage" I sighed, he never did get that once you don't have a gag reflex garbage goes down much easier.

"Emile nobody understands what IM going through!! I'm a rat who likes to cook! God I'm so quirky" Remy cried, his eyes glazing a glossy shade of checkered vans


Remy was grasped by the quaking current of the sewer rapids, I tried to grab his soft, moisturised rat paws but yet they were just too soft, I couldn't get a tight enough grip! "Remy hold on!" I screamed running after his rugged navy fur
"I'm too quirky too die!!" He gasped and then he was gone, down into the depths of the sewers. I stood, frozen by the trauma of loosing my only humbling factor. Then I jumped in after him!

Flying down the rusty pipes of the sewer drain I saw a gleaming light at the end of the tunnel and it was calling my name! I was a rat on a mission;
Find my brother so I don't become the cockiest rodent alive,

Mission impossible.

Sorry this was a bit short, it's pretty late and I enjoy sleep what can I say, hope you liked it. Guess you could say they got... flushed away...😉

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