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"Thank god we've got the day off today, my arms feel real bad" Amanda's complaint fell on deaf ears as both her room mates were still sleeping. She pulled on a pair of trousers and headed out of their bedroom on the top floor of Luna Nova. In the corridor it was still quiet and she realised it was earlier than she had thought. Feeling wide awake she began wandering around and after passing the corridor that lead to Hannah's room several times, she found herself outside in the crisp morning. It was a little chilly for her to just wear the t-shirt she slept in, not that she had much choice as her arms killed just to move them up high enough to reach a door handle. The bite of the cool early air sharpened her mind and she thought back on the week and in particular on the couple of days just gone. How she had risked her life to save Hannah, their kiss, or was it a kiss, was it just Hannah using desperate measures in desperate situations? Hannah had been by her side most of yesterday, was it just her feeling guilty and wanting to pay Amanda back for saving her, after all she had hardly said a word to her apart from offering to help. Man though, did she look stunning in the shower, that would be a memory for lonely nights for sure.

The Luna Nova grounds were large with neatly kept gardens and it was into one of these that Amanda walked. A large hedge enclosed the garden with several flowerbeds in the center and a few benches dotted along the path.The gravel crunched under her feet as Amanda turned to walk down the path. Out the corner of her eye she noticed a pair of feet and then a moment later she was looking down on Hannah England. They both jumped slightly in surprise, neither knowing what to do. It was Hannah who spoke first "Good morning Amanda...aren't you a little chilly in that?". Amanda rocked back on her heel "Not really...thanks for asking". There was another pause before Hannah asked civilly "How are your arms today?", "You know, not great, to be expected I suppose. You're heavier than you look". Hannah smiled "Don't be mean...do you want to sit for a bit?"

Amanda sat beside Hannah and they both looked out at the bright flowers until Hannah spoke again "I should thank you for saving me" she then placed her hand gently on top of Amanda's "Your hand's so cold, we should go inside". Amanda slowly turned her hand so that the palm faced up and gently squeezed Hannah's "Maybe, I like being here...there's lots of beauty here". Hannah's face flushed as she squeezed Amanda's hand in return. Amanda voice dropped as she told Hannah what she thought needed to be said "Hannah, you know you don't owe me anything, you don't have to be with me because of what I did". Hannah looked up at Amanda and said solemnly "I don't want to be with you because of what you did, I want to be with you because of who you are". The two girls moved closer and their rosy lips gently touched. It was a few minutes before they separated and again looked at each other. Hannah stood up and gently pulled Amanda to her feet and together they headed back hand in hand towards the ancient school.

                                                                                             The End

England Expects That Even Amanda Will Do Her DutyWhere stories live. Discover now