Chapter Two - Falls and Falsehoods

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The thick curtains of the dorm room stopped most of the morning's light entering allowing the illusion that it was still night-time. The nine young witches all lay in bed sound asleep until Contanze's small alarm clock started to ring. Dim memories flitted through dozy minds of agreeing to an alarm at half past seven. Contanze crawled along her bed and hit the off switch. Amanda's voice drifted down from the her top bunk "It's still night". She turned on to her side to face the room peering out from a single open eye. In the dim light she saw the pajama clad Diana leave her bed and heard her delicate footsteps to the curtains.With a deliberate flourish Diana drew the curtains back letting in a wave of light. The other girls reacted like a nest of vampires and withdrew under their sheets. The unwitting Van Helsing turned back to the room and walked to the bed just to her left where Hannah and Barbara were sleeping "Come on ladies, you've had your beauty sleep".

She walked back to her bed and picked up her towel and toiletries and sat down to wait for her friends. From her vantage point Amanda looked down on Diana, even first thing in the morning she was beautiful, barely a hair out of place. From the bunk above Diana the top half of Akko appeared her arms soon stretching and mouth opening to give out a mighty yawn. Unlike Diana, Akko showed the full effects of a night's sleep, although even that could not obscure her cuteness. Akko spoke cheerily to no-one and everyone"Ohayōgozaimass". A flicker of a smile passed over Diana's lips as she replied "Good morning Akko-chan, we're just heading to the bathroom if you want to join us" after a second she continued "Or anyone else?".

Hannah and Barbara's voice chirped in unison "We're ready Diana" as they walked over to stand by their friend. From her lofty perch Amanda repeated mockingly "We're ready Diana...jeez you aught to get collars for them Diana". Hannah replied "It's too early for your sordid fantasies Amanda". Sucy ever sardonic and currently sleepy voice cut in before Amanda could reply "It's too early for all this noise". Diana stood and said "Very well, we'll leave you all in peace, come on Akko". Akko dropped down from her bunk and grabbed her stuff. "I'm coming too" said Lotte as she rushed to join the other girls. As they were leaving Hannah tried to get a last jab in on Amanda as she passed her bed "Such a relief you won't be perving on us in the shower". Amanda moved to look down on Hannah like a panther in a tree and purred "Now who's having the fantasies?". Hannah glared at her adversary before scurrying into the corridor to catch the others.

At nine o'clock the girls were waiting with the others from Luna Nova for the bus driver to appear. Breakfast had been dominated by the revelation that there was a group from a boy's school staying in the men's wing of the youth hostel and the girls were still in a buzz about it as they waited. Lotte was speaking with Akko "One boy was looking at you the whole time, I thought he was going to come over and speak with you, but he was just getting more orange juice". Akko replied "Oh,he was probably just surprised to see so many witches". Barbara suddenly said "Is that him?" Akko, Lotte and the others turned to see an elderly gentleman setting-off for a hike, noticing the girls looking at him he turned and gave a friendly wave. Akko and Lotte waved back and Hannah chipped in "Ahh, you make a great couple Akko". The bus driver then made his appearance and a few minutes later the girls were on their way to Rowhorn Caves.

As the coach came to a halt in the car-park at Rowhorn Caves Professor Finnelan addressed the girls and went over their tasks for the day that largely consisted of making notes at several of the notable features of the site. They were then put in groups of three and as with the dorms it seemed that the teachers wanted to curb the adventurous spirit of certain girls. As they got off the coach Hannah was mustering all her persuasive skills to persuade Barbara to swap groups "Please Barbara, you know I can't stand Amanda, the teachers won't mind if you ask", Barbara however was having none of it and was content to leave Hannah with the short straw as she headed off with Lotte and Jasminka. Hannah tried to find Diana and saw with dismay that she had already set off with Akko and Sucy. Amanda, conscious of the nearby teachers called out "Come on Hannah, Constanze and I are keen to explore this historic site". Hannah saw that Finnelan and Ursula were watching and waiting for all the groups to leave and she had no choice except to go with her assigned team. She replied to Amanda"Yes me too" and Hannah, Amanda and Constanze walked into the site. Professor Ursula turned to her colleague and said "Are you sure it's a good a idea splitting them up, I'm not sure they all get on well", Professor Finnalen replied "They're here to learn not have a tea party, anyway out of site out of mind for a couple of hours." The pair made their way to the cafe by the entrance for a well earned first cup of tea.

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