Chapter Four - Outings and Embarrassment

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Sucy's malevolence surprised Amanda. When they had arrived back from the field trip to the Seven Grey Girls Amanda thought that Sucy would join her scheme,however she was much more eager than Amanda anticipated. Sucy took Amanda's bare bones of an idea and provided the method and means to accomplish it. While Amanda was in two minds about including Diana in it, Sucy had insisted reasoning that although not half as bad as the other two, she could still do with being knocked down a peg or two.That evening they had found a secluded spot in the youth hostel to make the potion. Amanda decided it best not to query why Sucy had brought so many mushrooms with her, she was just happy that she had the necessary ones to make the potion. And so with anticipation they made their concoction and returned to their dorm.

Lotte, oblivious totheir plan closed volume 269 of Nightfall and asked "What shall we do tomorrow". All the girls were in the room apart from Diana,Hannah and Barbara, as Diana had been press-ganged by the other two into going to the communal rec-room. Akko spoke up with her characteristic joi de vie "We can't waist a free day, we should do as much as possible. It looked like there were lots of interesting shops when we drove through the town". Lotte thoughtfully replied "Yes it did look interesting, although we do have that long walk the day after". Jasminka chimed in "I saw a chocolate shop, we'll need some for the walk". The girls continued back and forth with ideas and counter-proposals until Diana and her friends returned.

The three friends noticed the talking stop as they came in and Hannah was quick to respond "You weren't talking about us were you?". Lotte quietly replied "No, we were thinking about what to do tomorrow". Barbara's haughty laugh suggested it was just the topic they wanted to be asked about "Oh that, we've had half the boys from Prestick asking to take us out". Amanda jumped in "I wish someone would take you out" Hannah ignored her as Akko asked cautiously "Did you say you'd go out with any of them". Diana said with an imperious melancholy "It all became rather tiresome and so I informed them that we would take tea and then walk in the park at midday and they were all welcome to join us". Sucy stole a quick conspiratorial glance at Amanda and then asked with mock innocence "So like a date?", Diana snapped "No, nothing like a date. Anyway, what have you decided to do?". Amanda from her perch on the bunk bed replied "We haven't decided", Sucy interjected "No,maybe we can get some popcorn and watch the date that isn't a date...see who snogs who". Diana said "You can be so tiresome Sucy" exasperation cracking the normally controlled voice.

Amanda noticed the look of concern on Akko's face all through the conversation and the relief when Lotte changed the subject "Why don't we play a game?". Diana asked "Won't it be lights out time soon". Lotte looked at Akko "Professor Ursula said they wouldn't come round tonight didn't she, as we don't have to be up at a particular time", Akko nodded in agreement. Diana asked "What do you suggest?". Lotte said "I've got some playing cards, we could use them, I know a few games". A toothy grin spread across Sucy's mouth "What about strip poker, we can invite your horde of boyfriends to join in". With as much indignation as they could muster Hannah and Barbara said "Ewww".In the end the nine girls stayed up until the early morning playing games. A couple of times they almost all got on as friends until competitiveness or a wayward comment cancelled out the nascent rapport. After they had all gone to bed and when Sucy was sure they were all asleep she slipped out of bed and after a few final tweaks sprinkled the potion on Diana, Hannah and Barbara's towels and then sneaked back into bed.

The youth hostel was on the edge of a small town and after a late start, Akko, Amanda and their gangs began the walk into town. They left Hannah and Barbara fussing over their clothes, hair and make-up as Diana did her best to cope with the situation. Akko and Amanda walked ahead of the others. Akko blurted out "Why are they trying so hard to look pretty if it isn't a date?" Amanda replied "Beats me" and for emphasis shrugged her shoulders. Akko continued "I mean they're all really pretty anyway, don't you think?" Amanda was feeling playful and wanted to test Akko's reaction "Maybe, although Diana no looker is she?". Akko's remarkably expressive face instantly showed dismay at what Amanda had said. Having had her fun Amanda said "No they're all alright looking I guess, in a posh princess kinda way".

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