Mr.Slendy Comes Back But Chu gotz to get ze Educations

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Slenderp's POV


Is this really my beautiful Y|N? The once short cloud of happiness turned into a gorgeous young girl. I feel something I haven't felt in 10 years...Love. I feel love once again for Y|N.

I watched over her as she sat in her class...She looked a bit frazzled for some reason...I'm not sure why.

Your POV [Real]


"Is he back? It was the same deep voice..." I muttered. I sat in English, still thinking about what happened in the morning. can't be! I don't know...But I have a feeling it was! But it was probably my imagination...Maybe....Maybe it was- "ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Everyone's eyes were on me, and Mrs.Tate was pretty shocked.. I felt myself go red.."Erm...Sorry Mrs.Tate..." I said as I continued to read from the biography of Edgar A. Poe.

I felt hand on my shoulder, it was Ava. ((I'm so sorry ;-; but hey! at least chu haz a good friend!))

"Hey Y|N! What happened to ya?" she whispered shouted. "Eh, nothing. Don't worry about it."

I turned back around and kept reading. I'll have to figure this out myself...But not here.

-lol timeskip to my most hated class...MATH >:D -

Damn Ava for not having math right now...I had to stay here and listen to Mr.Covey's  boring speech about Pi. I sighed, just 3 more hours and it'll all be over.

Just then, I felt a piece of paper hit the back of my head. If it was neon green, then it had to be Nuclear.

I looked down on the floor where it had fallen, and yup, it was neon green. I picked it up, opened the crumpled sides and read it.

-This ish wut it said-
Hey Y|N! Why so down? And you've been biting your nails all morning long!! ^_- Is there something I need to know about?? Well anyway, my band is playing at Rain's party tonight!!! Wanna come? It'll be awesome :D

-End of ze note-

I felt a smile creep up on my face. Nuclear's use of written emojis always made me happy...Well, I guess I could go. I just hope Rain's friends don't bother me...Rain is the nicest senior I've ever met, but it's her little rats I'm worried about. I sighed, I guess it can't go wrong, I haven't heard Nuclear's music in a while. I looked at Nuclear who was already looking at me, I smiled and nodded. She smiled back, and tosses another paper at me. Luckily, I caught it this time.

-Ze Note-
And we have a new dude in the band too! He's freaking rad at the bass, I think his name is Richard or something,  he's pretty awesome! I think you'll like him...LOVE IS IN THE AIR! Lol :3 But really, you guys are gonna get along.

-End of ze note-

Maybe we weren't, but that name sounded familiar. I don't know...I guess I'll go tonight to find out.


So? How was it? Let's see if mister Slendy ish gonna be there * wink wink ;3 * We all know who's Richard! Lol, so I got a request from one of chu guys to make a lemon. And as much as I do dirty roleplay, I don't think I can make lemony freshness V.V And dun worreh , I probably will, but it'll be on later chapters. Oh, and Ava isn't Slendy's daughter, cuz I don't think a 16 year old could have a 17 year old daughter ;3 I think chu know wut I'm saying here...Hehe, like Nuclear said, Love is in the air, but marriage is probably there too ;3 .

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