Sam ryūko

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Name: sam Ryūko
Hero/villain name: blood wing
Alias(es): demon lady
Gender: F
Height: 5'6
Personality: Stubborn, affectionate, Hotheaded at times, and loyal
Quirk: hunt
Description: can use the sent of the air in the area to track down a villain or a injured pro to help them
H or V?: H
Class: pro hero
Sexuality: straight
Crush: Sekijiro Kan (Vlad king)
Backstory: older sister to dragon hero: Ryukyu she's always been the supportive sister but struggled to see herself as someone as a person who can change lives with her quirk since she sees it as useless.
Blood type: B
Likes: dogs, books, her sister, Night time
Dislikes: mornings, amoxicillin, and anyone who picks on her sister
Other: she's alergic to amoxicillin as it will give her a rash on her arms.


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