|Prologue| New Born

Comincia dall'inizio

     His voice echoes in my head and I try to shake it off but it just keeps getting louder. I tremble all over, fighting tears that are building up in my eyelids.     

     I swallow the lump in my throat and force myself to focus. I can do this. I can pack up my bags and get the hell out if this place. I look up at the mirror, my reflection so foreign to me that I have to take a second look.     

     This isn't me.     

     With a sigh, I make a decision as I walk back to my closet like room.   

     I look across my bed and find my empty school bag. I scan my wardrobe and grab a couple of necessities, shoving them violently into the bag, squishing as much as I can into the limited space.     

     He'll find you. You know he will. He's the police for God's sake!     

     I ignore the voice in my head and continue, almost like a robot, to stuff things into my bag. When nothing fits anymore I realize that I have enough. I just have to take that step and leave.     

     I sigh again and look at the bathroom. I lock it from the inside, thinking of his fuming face when he finds no one here. And just like that, I leave the room, locking it as well, my hands shaking in the process.     

     I feel so rebellious that I almost smile. Almost.

     When I am downstairs with the main door only a few inches away, I look around to make sure I forget nothing. I fight another wave of tears thinking of the moment he turned to be a stranger to me. With a final shake of my head I reach for the handle and open the door.     

     Without looking back I slam it behind me, not once looking back at the tiny two storey house.


     The bank teller stares at me and I know what she's thinking. I am pulling out five thousand dollars and I look like a minor. The backpack heavy on my back yells 'runaway' at her but she silently does her job, smiling in uncertainty.     

     "Is there anything else I can do for you?" she asks with a pitying smile that makes me look away.

     I shake my head and thank her politely before turning back and walking out the door. I pray that she doesn't call the police, ruining my only way of escape.

     I pick up my pace, making sure to avoid every single stare that I would likely to receive. The town is small enough and word gets out fast. I can't let anyone see me. I hold onto my purse like dear life and pull out a bus ticket.

     As I walk into the station, I pull out my cell phone that is too old to work and throw it to the nearest trash without a second thought. I pull my sunglasses down and pull my head up. There's a voice screaming in my head, telling that what I am doing is a mistake. That I'll regret it all. But I refuse to listen to it anymore. I've held back for years hoping that one day he'd change, that somewhere in that black heart of his, he had some paternal instinct in him. But his grey eyes still glaze with anger and the violence at home keeps getting worse.

     So I choose the ladder and become that typical runaway teenager. And I know that I don't have a house or anyone waiting for me on the other side of the country but anything is better than those bruises that are permanent scars on my body.     

     I sigh, shake my head and refuse to think. I pull out my iPod and put my earphones in, getting lost in the sound of music, following the crowd towards an unknown destination.     

     The bus stands out when I reach the platform. There aren't a lot of passengers and that makes me feel better. I give the driver my duffel bag and head inside, finding a seat in the back. I pull my hat down, my sunglasses still on and slowly let me eyes rest as I feel the strong engine turn on. I wrap my purse closer to me and lean my head against the window.     

     Change is coming. I can feel it in my bones. 

     'cause you've seen, seen

     Too much, too young, young

     Soulless is everywhere


As you can see this is very different than how and what  I usually write. I'd love to know what you guys think! :D


PS. The lyrics posted in the chapter are taken from the song 'New Born' by Muse.

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