Chapter 17. Retaliate

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before i wanna start this chapter, i want to say that this will be the final chapter, this may become a long chapter. enjoy reading it and definetly leave a commment about what you thought about this fanfic!

After Alice, the teachers and the pro's finished their conversation Izuku opened his eyes. He heard the entire conversation. Everyone was happy to see Izuku awake but he had a straight face almost without emotion. "We might not have to train at all, but that depends on Alice and Dawn's answer" Izuku started off.

"what do you mean Izuku?" Alice asked a bit confused. "Please get Dawn for me, we have to talk about something" He told her, Alice quickly got out and started looking for Dawn. "What is it you want to talk to them about?" Aizawa asked. Izuku was thinking if he should tell them or not.

"Izuku please tell us, we have to know so we can trust in your plan" Nezu said. "All i can that it is a trumpcard we can only use once, but it will only be a last resort" Izuku stated looking sad. They all saw this and it raised some suspicion but they let it go for now.

Izuku felt Alice and Dawn coming towards them so he walked out to talk to them. After some time they came back inside. "Alright we decided that we will use our trumpcard as a last resort. If it happens that we use our trumpcard we have to make sure all the strong villains are in 1 place, i can only tell you that we can only use it for a very short ammount of time." Izuku explained while the other 2 nodded.

"Alright we will take your word on it, and we will try to support you however we can" Nezu explained. "So what now? are we going to gather and strike back? or what are we gonna do? i doubt the students are strong enough to face all those villains as they are now" Aizawa asked.

"Gather everyone i will handle it" Izuku said. All the teachers quickly gathered all the students. Izuku, Alice, Dawn, Aizawa and Nezu were now standing infront of all the pro's aswell as all the students.

"First off most of you might know who we are, but i will explain something about us before hand since not many people know. Alice, Dawn and i are people who were being experimented on by All for one, the last villain All might fought. They saw us as projects to create the ultimate killing machines." He explained.

'Why is he explaining this? what is his plan?' Aizawa thought while others looked shocked. "If you feel threatened or unsafe around us knowing this then i ask you to leave right now, i want to be fair to you all and explain this before hand because i can only bring people who have Mutual trust towards us with us" Izuku said while most people started walking away, Except for 2 classes from class 3 and Class 1A and B. The pro's stayed aswell as they knew very well what kind of man Izuku is.

"Alright now that you are all here" he said. "Can i ask why you told everyone that outloud?" Mirio asked with a serious expression "Because i can't bring people who don't trust us, and if they did come they might of seen us as enemy's midway, and i can't have people in my back who see us like that, and even if i didn't tell them they would find out sooner or later." He explained.

"Now Alice Dawn and i are going to take back the city and bring the villains down" Izuku stated which shocked everyone, inclueding the pro's and teachers. "Are you insane! there are way too many! you know how it ended last time you did that!" Iida said. "This time i agree with four eyes, it's way too reckless" Bakugo shouted.

"I don't care, last time i was holding them all back to buy some time for the people to get away, this time i only have to protect my comrades, we can attack smart instead of head on. Even if things take a turn for the worst... i got it covered." Izuku explained.

"Now the other reason why i called everyone here, We could use some help... i'm not gonna force anyone it's only on your own accord, if you think you can't stand to face that many villains or are too scared which is understandable then no hard feelings we totally understand. But we are going to do this, if anyone comes or not" Izuku stated.

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