Chapter Seven: So You're The Leader Now?

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Monday, 10:48pm (Aria's P.O.V)

I sat there hugging him until I realized that upstairs the fight was still going on. I pulled away and he looked at my lips.

"David, we have to go upstairs!" I said.

"Let's go" he said.

We got up and ran up the stairs. Once we got there, there was no fighting. In fact, it looked like the fight just ended. I saw Lisa, her chin covered in blood. She was on top of a wolf that was dead. Kate, her chin also covered in blood, was helping others. A few dead vampires were laying on the floor next to all the dead wolfs. In the living room, I found Laurel. She was sitting next to Jordan's dead body. I bent down and she looked at me.

"Aria! Your okay!" she said.

We hugged and I realized it was over. The wolfs were dead! Fang Club was mine. I pulled away and stood up. All the vampires gathered around me. My eyes met Ben's. His chin was also covered in blood and he was standing next to Kate. Everyone was looking at Laurel.

"Why are they looking at her like they wanna kill her?" I asked David.

"She's a wolf" he said.

"No one kills this wolf!" I said to everyone and pointed at Laurel, "She saved me, and she's welcome here when ever she likes".

"So you're the leader now?" Kate asked, a smile on her face.

"Yes, as promised. You helped me kill the wolfs. You fulfilled your end of the deal and so am I. I'll be your leader from now on. I'll take care of Fang Club and make sure it's a sanctuary for you all. Just like Kate had. I'm going to embrace my nature and responsibilities. I am a Descendent!" I said.

When I finished all the vampires bowed down. I gave Laurel my hand and helped her up.

"Now, someone please give me a blood bag" I said.

Kate passed me one and I opened it. I drank until the weakness went away. Everyone started to clean the place up. Taking bodies, cleaning the floor, picking furniture up. Kate came up to me.

"I'm so proud of you, my sweet Aria" she said and I laughed.

"Glad to hear it, maker" I said with a smirk.

Kate grabbed her arm and her face expression changed. Then, she suddenly dropped down to the floor. I bent down quickly and David ran towards us. Ben bent down close to me.

"Kate? What's wrong?" I asked, worry in my voice.

"I was bit" she said and tears came into her eyes.

She pulled up her sleeve and we saw a bite. I couldn't believe this!

"No......" I whispered.

David bent down and stared at the bite, terrified. Ben started to cry and I stared at her. This can not be happening! We just won. She can't die! I need her...

"What can we do to save you? I mean, I know vampires exchange blood to heal each other" I said.

"That won't work, a wolfs bite is fatal to a vampire" David chocked up as he said it.

" can't die" Ben said.

"I'm sorry" she said.

She put her hand on Ben's face and I realized they were in love. I held her other hand and David put his hand on top of mine. We were all crying now. All the other vampires (and Laurel) gathered around Kate. She was someone everyone knew. She was their leader before. She knew what it meant to be a vampire.

"I loved you Ben" she said and he bent down to kiss her.

"I will always love you David, tell dad not to turn off his emotions because of my death" she said and they hugged.

I waited for her to say something to me. Some kind of wise maker guidance, on what will happen when she dies. What am I suppose to do? How will I learn more? Who can possibly replace her and be my teacher? She looked at me and said:

"Aria, your going to be fine. You'll learn without me and be the greatest leader this world has ever seen. You will be uncontrollable. Since I'm dying, there won't be anyone who will be able to compel you or control you. You'll inherit all my abilities and I hope you use them to your advantage. I'll see you in Hell".

She smiles and I bent down to hug her. I stayed there until her grip on me loosened slowly and I pulled away. Her eyes were looking straight ahead and she wasn't breathing anymore. Then, slowly, black marks covered her body and she went pale. The black marks were dead veins, visible through her pale as snow skin. The sight terrified me and I started sobbing.

David laid down and put his hands over his face. Ben was stroking Kate's cheek and his tears were falling into her hair. I got up and breathing in deeply, walked towards the door. David noticed me doing this and followed me. I walked down the steps of Fang Club onto the sidewalk and waited. What was I waiting for? I don't know. A car pulled over, on the opposite side of the street and I walked slowly towards it.

"Aria......what are you doing?" David called after me.

I saw a man get out of the car. I stood behind him and when he turned around he got scared.

"Oh my god! Little girl, you scared me! What happened, are you lost? You can't find your mom?" he said.

"Oh, I know where my maker is. Except, she's dead you see" I said.

He stared at me terrified and I bit into his neck as fast as I could.

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