Chapter Five: You Can Count On Me

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Sunday, 8:00am (Kate's P.O.V)

I was walking to his house. When I got there, I rang the doorbell and he opened it. Ben, the vampire who was Aria's brother. The vampire that saved me that night when I found out Aria was a descendent and left Fang Club. Wolfs came after me, ripped my clothes, tried to kill me and he came. Running away made my hair messy and I lost one shoe.

After I found out he was a vampire, I stopped running and fell down. Then I woke up in his house, on his sofa. He carried me to safety and I felt attracted to him. Last night I found out he was Aria's brother.

"Kate....... come on in" he said, my name sounded so cherished in his lips.

"Are you willing to join us and kill the wolfs that are after your sister? The ones that also tried to kill me that night we met?" I asked him once I was inside.

"Why are they after my sister?" He asked.

"She's a descendent, and since your her brother, you're one too" I said.

"I don't understand, who changed her? Was it that David guy?" He asked me.

I had to tell him the truth.

"No, it was me, I changed her" I said.

"Kate? Why?" He asked.

"It was stupid, I wanted to be a maker and she knew about David" I told him and tears were in my eyes.

"It's okay, I don't care. She's okay, isn't she?" he said.

"She will be if you help us" I told him "If she is killed, it will be my fault, because I changed her".

"OK, I'll help. You can count of me" he said.

He stroked my cheek and wiped away a tear from it. I don't know what it was about this particular vampire that made me feel so alive. He made me not want to kill, or feed, just be alive. I leaned forward slowly and kissed him. In response, he wrapped his arms around me and led us towards the sofa, kissing me back. I pushed him onto it and sat on top of him, barely detaching my lips from his. A soft moan escaped his lips and he laid me down on the sofa, going on top of me.

I'm out of breath by the time he starts kissing my neck. I close my eyes and enjoy the feeling. I made out with vampires before but it was mostly just for fun. It wasn't serious. I didn't care about them the way I care about Ben. The way I need him. The way I love him...

10:00am (David's P.O.V)

I was sitting in the living room and watching TV when Kate came in. Her eyes were a little red, like she's been crying but she seemed really happy. She was smiling.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"He agreed. Tomorrow night we can carry out the plan and kill the wolfs" she said.

She's being so helpful and sweet that I almost don't recognize my own sister. I suddenly feel concern towards her and I truly care for her from the bottom of my heart.

"Good" I said "Why are your eyes red? Were you crying?"

She sat next to me on the sofa and smiled at me. It felt weird that she was so close to me. We were almost like a normal pair of siblings. It's the first time we've sat on this sofa together. Usually she hated to spend time with me, much less be close to me.

"No, it's just from the cold. But it's nice to see that my brother cares" she said.

Ever since that night when we found out Aria was a descendent, Kate has been different. I actually liked her, cared about her, she was a real sister to me. And now she was sitting next to me on the sofa, all cold. She just went to Aria's brother's house to ask him to help us. She seemed to really want this plan to work.

Before I realized what I was doing, I put my hand around her shoulders and held her closer to me. Then I kissed her cold forehead and she hugged me. We were siblings again, just like a long time ago. And this time I didn't want to let her go, allow her to go back to being a monster. I wanted her to stay as my innocent little Kate, even tho she was older by a whole year.

"Of course I do" I told her, and it was true.

She smiled and we watched TV together. I grabbed a blanket and handed it to her. She covered herself in it and soon fell asleep. I knew she must be tired, so I turned off the TV and went to help out my dad in the kitchen.

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