Chapter Thirty Seven

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"If you say so." Luke dismissed with a cheeky grin.

Brielle rolled her eyes at him, sometimes Luke was just too confident for his own good, a trait he no doubt picked up off of his older brother. Caleb was one of the most confident men Brielle had ever met, it was a large reason why people felt he was too cocky. Zac was confident, but in different ways, Brielle sighed feeling yearn for her husband creeping up.

"If you're nervous or whatever, I can run by the pharmacy for you. I don't mind." Luke made his offer. "It wouldn't be the first time I picked up female products." he laughed at himself.

"Jenna has a sad sense of humour, I know." Brielle giggled. "On the bright side, I am sure you know tampons better than anybody else."

"Mmhmm, I think I may write a book on them actually." Luke mused, taking a sip of his coffee.

Sipping on her coffee, Brielle replied with a small snort and a low laugh. Luke was one of those men who would do almost anything you needed, a rare find among his species. It was no wonder Jenna was having such a hard time, although she was the one who allowed Luke to get away, Brielle could imagine it would be difficult to replace such a man.

"How's Jenna?" Luke finally asked the question Brielle had been waiting for. As if he were reading her thoughts, the question came along easily.

"She's doing okay. I think she's a bit confused still, but she'll come out of it soon enough."

"I didn't mean to hurt her, you know that right?"

"Luke, you of all people know what Jenna is like. Don't feel guilty or responsible for her. You've found somebody and you're clearly happy, if Jenna isn't okay with that then it is her problem. You can't please her all the time, don't even try." Brielle warned him.

It certainly wasn't Luke's job to care for Jenna anymore, yet he worried about her. They may not be in a relationship of romantic natures, but she was still his friend. A good friend always worried. Now a days he cared for Jenna on the same level he cared for Brielle or even somebody like Natalie.

If Luke fell into the pattern of worrying about Jenna and her wants, then he would never move on with his life. It was a deadly trap he often played with, no doubt in Brielle's mind that is how he ended up in Tulsa to begin with. She suspected Caleb's dumb speeches on how Luke could win Jenna back had helped it along, but the main reason Luke had packed up everything and moved was because he felt it would make Jenna happy.

Jenna had been happy for the first little while too, then Isaac decided to throw himself into the mix and things had gone askew from there. Life was messy enough as it was, love and sex only complicated things. Brielle had promised herself not to get involved, except for when she truly needed to. Telling Luke to move on from Jenna was one of those moments when she had to get her hands dirty.

"By the way, when do I get to meet this Callie Kingston girl? I hear she is quite the lady." Brielle smiled. She wanted to ease the conversation along. She had heard through the grapevine that Luke was rather taken with this new girl.

"Caleb?" Luke questioned her sources.

"Jamal." Brielle revealed Luke's long time friend.

"Of course it was." Luke nodded. "Since Jamal suddenly enjoys praising her so much, you will be happy to hear that I think she's coming down next week." he informed Brielle with a faint smile.

Luke didn't get to see Callie too much, he had managed to talk her into a visit to Tulsa before the holidays. They hadn't saw one another since Luke had returned home, relying on lengthy phone calls and constant texts to keep in touch. Brielle's expression changed, her intrigue was clearly written on her features. She had heard a lot about this woman, now she had the chance to meet her. Brielle never wanted to be that friend who dictated her friend's love lives, but it didn't mean she couldn't meet this girl and tell Luke whether or not it was a good choice.

Scream and be Free (Zac Hanson)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang