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In the Castle's nursery, Chikako Nakagame had a baby girl in her arms.

Twelve days later, Chikako died from Pueperal fever.

Tatami Nakagame never got to properly meet her mother, but she met her father's tear filled eyes by the time she was able to see. She was a crying mess and couldn't speak. She was a baby after all.

When Tatami was eight years old, she was allowed to go to the stream to grab water. She never go to do that since her father claimed it was two dangerous. They had to wash clothes and clean the corridors of the castle with whatever amount of water she was able to collect. With the amount of strength she had, she probably wouldn't be able to bring enough to do all that.

While she bent down to fill her bucket with water, she heard the voice of two people. Most likely young but the same age as her. She turned around with her full bucket of water and faced the two kids. It was a boy with curly brown hair and a woman with long straight black hair.

The girl wore a red dress and a gold tiara on her head. The boy wore a white airy shirt and a green vest. He was obviously wearing pants. The curly haired boy and girl hadn't noticed her, they were running around and playing with a ball.

Tatami froze up. She had met the prince before but it was only for a short second. Nothing else other than a small glance at her when she was five.

The boy was tackled to the ground by the girl. "Momo! No fair!" He shouted. 'Momo' laughed a bit and looked to her right. She had noticed Tatami now...

"Hello?" She said with a concerned voice. Tatami shuddered. The older one of the two seemed to be the boy. He had beautiful brown eyes while the girl had gorgeous onyx eyes. She knew they weren't siblings because the Prince had only one sister at the moment. Princess Akali had brown hair.

"Oh. Hello Your highnesses." She bowed and felt her heart pound.

"Oh! Your Sir Nakagame's daughter! Correct?" The princess asked the prince.

"Ignore my cousin, she's being rude and not greeting you correctly." He said. He bowed to her and smiled. "I am Prince Yo." He smiled.

"I'm Tatami! Tatami Nakagame!" She blurted. She was excited to meet the royals personally. "What are you guys playing?"

"Nothing much. Just tag." Momo smiled. "Wanna join? Yo's too slow, he'd never be able to catch us." She winked.

"I'm letting you tag me! I'm not slow at all!" He pouted. Tatami didn't want to giggle but she did at the same time.

"You're allowed to laugh! I can see it on your face!" Momo giggled.

"Oh. Ok then." She adverted her eyes. "I'm sorry, I really should get back to the servant ward, my dad's waiting for the water."

"Fine..." Momo pouted. "Once you do, I'll ask my knight to let you come play again!" Momo said. Tatami's eyes widened. She was obviously older than Momo but a younger kid could actually be kind? That's amazing. Tatami nodded and picked the water up again. She waddled back to the servant dorms and Momo waited.


Every year Momo would return. She would bring a present for her favorite servant girl and prince. She'd bring a book for Tatami, and a another one for Shindou. He needed to practice reading far more than he already did.

King August didn't like his daughter playing with the servant girl. He wanted her to associate with only nobles and Tatami was anything but Nobility. He couldn't stop her obviously.

It had been three years since the day they had met but Momo and Shindou were still her only friends. By now, Momo was only ten years old but she had hit puberty. Her body grew taller and her hips and chest grew but her face had changed the most. She was a girl with zero flaws on her face, now she had acne and her face was covered in bumps.

"Pimple face!" Shindou teased. Momo stuck out her tongue and walked up to Tatami.

"Did you go through this already?"

"I'm only a year older than you. I'm still going through it." She giggled. The royal guard for Momo's kingdom entered. In front of all of them stood a man with long black hair. He looked tired.

"Good afternoon Your majesty." Sir Aizawa bowed. King Akui and Queen Ahmya stood there waiting for the knight to rise. The pregnant Queen smiled and attempted a curtesy. They gave a small chuckle at her misfortune as a butler went to bring the rest of the children down. There were only four other kids, soon to be five others.

Akali, Noah, Yazo, Genji, and Noelle. The unborn child wasn't named yet, since the gender was unknown.

As the knights left, Tatami's father, Mujitsu claimed her. Whenever Momo visited, the first day Tatami had to work as hard as she could or she'd have to work an entire week instead of playing with the prince and princesses. It was a fair trade so no one complained.

So, Tatami got to work. Her father sent her out to grab water. Shindou joined her because she was still as weak as ever. She could hardly carry back anything she was sent out to grab because she was so unfit compared to him.

"So you wanna come read with me and Momo? Don't tell her I made that grammar mistake." He said.

"Sorry Yo, I really cannot delay. If I do I will not be able to spend time with you and Momo this week. Now please just help me carry this. If I get my work done, we can read tomorrow."

"Fine. Let's just hope the stick in the mud let's you finish work. Remember last year when you missed a spot on the wall and King August made you work longer? They was such a bad summer."

"How was it bad?"

"I didn't get to spend the first week with you. Other than that, it was pretty cool." the eleven year old prince smirked.

Tatami blushed and looked away from the prince. "Just help me bring this to my dad, ok?"

(Tati's some sort of tsundere omg)

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