Chapter 26

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~Jayden pov

I got here at my dads house at 3:15 in the morning and as soon as me and Jordan stepped foot in his house his fucking pitbull started barking uncontrollably at us and woke up everyone in the house. My dad came running down the stairs with a gun pointed at us and was yelling 'WHO ARE YOU!?' And Jordan yelled 'DAD ITS US JORDAN AND JAYDEN' then he opened his eyes and saw us and put the gun down. He had his eyes squinted because he was half asleep. Thank god he didn't pull the trigger. So then we just went to our room and fell to sleep. I woke up at 2:23 in the afternoon. I checked my phone and I had hella texts and calls from Annie. Ah shit. She's probably mad now that I didn't answer. I called her and she answered. I'm still laying in bed and my face isn't even in the camera.

"what the fuck is wrong with you I almost called 911 because I thought you were dead at your dads house!" She shouted at me

"i was sleeping" I said in my tired voice

"okay and? I know you heard your phone ringing!" She shouted

"calm down you're on a 10 take it down to a 2" I said in my tired voice

"shut the fuck up" she said with an attitude. I giggled.

"I'm going to the studio in an hour do you wanna come?" She asked

"weren't you just screaming at me?" I asked her

"answer the fucking question before I scream again" she said with an attitude

"yeah I'll go" I said

"wake your sleepy ass up I'm picking you up in 30 minutes" she said then smiled

"I didn't even get here til 3 in the morning that's why I was sleeping for so long" I said to her

"yeah I saw your story" she said

"ima get ready bye" I said

"say I love you" she said

"I love you bye" I said

"i love youuuu🥰🤍" she said with a smile then hung up. Her smile is something I can never get enough of🤤😂. I got out of bed and got in my shower.

15 minutes later...

I got out and got ready. I lotioned my body then put on my clothes. I brushed my teeth then washed my face. I brushed out my wet hair then conditioned it. I put in my small diamond earrings. I'm wearing a white championship shirt with gray sweatpants and my white Air Force 1s. I sprayed on perfume. I walked back into my bedroom and opened my curtains to let in some sun light. My dad bought me a ps4 and a bunch of games for it. I have it hooked up to my tv because it's a bigger screen😂. I have a study desk here too because my mom was complaining to him how I don't do my school work on the weekends so her bought it for me. My dad is super close to Jordan they go ride down the streets and sell drugs together which isn't smart. He's close to me too he takes me out to get whatever and I mean WHATEVER I want but I don't accept him doing that for me. I like to earn what I receive. My step siblings are so annoying🙄. 3 are boys 2 are girls. I fixed my middle part in my hair then grabbed my phone and went downstairs. To eat breakfast. I walked down their and everyone was already down there. My dads new chick, my dad, Jordan and the step kids all 5 of them. I've been dealing with them for 3 months so I know the drill. If you see food you take it and run😏😂. I'm not scared of any of these kids. Let me introduce you to my step siblings. The oldest one is Trayvon he's mixed with black and white and he's 18. Then it's Darian he's 16 he's just white. Then there's Melissa he's mixed with Hispanic and white and she's 16. Then there's Gabrielle she's mixed with black and white she's 16 and then there's Hunter he's white and 15 about to be 16 soon. It's a lot of them. I walked over to darian.

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