Character intro 4

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Abhimanyu :

He is a distant cousin of Sonakshi...just like a brother to her...he has established a company along with his friend ( Where he works...I mean company name??? Any guess 🤔🤔 )

Fiancee of Megha....loves her alot

Loves Sonakshi and try to protects her just like a's only coz of Sona now Megha is with him...she is the one who convinced her to accept him

Megha :

She is an orphan....and was brought up in an orphanage ( which was maintained by the old man who owns the FM station )
studied hard to get that she can earn her own bread..

Though she loves Abhimanyu...she never confessed her love to him coz of her own insecurities...

But when Sona entered her life everything changed...her view on life, love everything has's only coz of Sona she accepted Abhi..

She is thankful to Sona for giving her the best gift of her life..that is " Abhimanyu "...
She just loves her like a family...and takes care of her in the same way...she wants Sona to move on in her life..she wants best to Sona..she fights with whole world for Sona..some times even with Abhi

" Mess up with Sona..then you have to face Megha "

Karan :

Twin brother of Arjun..a fun loving guy...a prankster... always flirts with one or the other girl...speaks whatever comes in his mind without thinking...
Looks after their family business along with his brother Arjun

Arjun :

Twin brother of Karan... even he is a fun loving guy...but not a prankster like Karan.....he is calm, a good observer,yet dangerous sometimes...never makes decisions without knowing about the issue completely...

The only thing that smilar between these brothers is their love towards their loved ones and ofcourse their Possessivenes and not to forget anger...

Pari :

Younger sister of Karan and Arjun... calm,sweet, caring, dangerously innocent yet a matured girl and not to forget a mischievous girl, partner of her brother Karan in his one from outside world would believe that she is such mischievous's just that she needs time to open up and she has very few friends..

Sid and Tara :

Sid owns an event Management company...and also has lots of anestral property...
Tara intially used to work under Sid in his event management company...and as time passed by Sid and Tara fallen in love...and it's through Sid, Tara started working in FM station and also helps Sid in his event management company

Tara's parents doesn't know about her relationship with Sid... they are bit strict and are against love marriages

Dhruv :

He is calm and shy person...yet a matured one...he recently started looking after his father's business

He has feelings for Sona..but never dared to say anything to he already knows that she Loves someone and would never accept him...

everyone in their gang knows about his feelings towards Sona..but never tried to say about it to her...coz if anything goes wrong their friendship would be ruined...and the other reason is Sona's love towards her husband... everyone in the office knows about Dhruv's feelings except Sona...coz she always thinks only about one person and loves only one person that she failed to realise growing feelings of Dhruv towards her...

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