5. Loneliness

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A/n: Hey there.... Just an important info:

From now on it would be only TAEHYUNG's POV and sometimes Haneul's as well.

Hope you'll enjoy.


"D-Dad?" I heard Haneul's voice, sounding down and painful. I'm sure things are not good with her but I never heard her like that.

I wish she's fine.

I entered the class once again and sat next to her. As usual, she was on the windowsill.

She looked up at me and I saw her wet eyelashes. She's crying.... Amazing... Now what?...... She really can't control her feelings..... Cry baby!!!!!

"Hello, dad?.......... Yeah....... Just three more days left....... I don't think so, but I wanna join you as well........ tomorrow or maybe yesterday......... Oh, I. Guess. I'll. Call. You. Later.......... Yeah, bye dad...." (hung up) " What? Why are looking at me like that?"

I quickly stood up to answer her.... I mean to ask away those questions in my mind

"Haneul... You must be missing your dad, right?"


"You're lucky. You got such a loving and caring father." I replied Haneul. After all, she have someone whom she could call her parent.

Maybe I don't belong to that category.

In which I could someone mom or dad.

I tried to run out but a small hand held my wrist. I turned and met Haneul's eyes, full of confusion yet bravery just like a warrior.

"Leave me Haneul" I said in a low voice, trying to control my tears.

"Just tell me what did you meant by that! Why were you saying that?!" she stood up and yelled at me.

"It's just..... My dad..."

"Kim Taehyung! Stop it! Just tell me! I could clearly see sorrow and fear in your eyes! Your just an open book, boy! Just tell me! NOW!"


Her grip on my wrist slowly loosen. She looked directly into my eyes. I don't know why, I but tears rolled down my eye.

Sometimes crying and silence is 'really' the best. People just don't understand and want the person to speak up everything and start smiling lie an idiot. Stupids.

But Haneul's different. She listens and they stay silent. The way it really should be.

I sat down on one of the benches of the classroom. Surprisingly, it was almost the time for the students to start coming but no one really was there. The school was all empty.

Haneul slowly came closer to me and sat down on the bench next to mine. Her head was buried into her arms.

"Never thought I'll end up like this. Without anyone, all alone. It's just like a nightmare. I just wanna wake up. I can't stand this anymore. This loneliness is killing me" I spoke in a low voice.

Haneul slowly turned her head towards me. She wore a cute smile which was obviously fake, but still it was calming.

"You know what.... It would be a burden over you if you over think it. It's our fate who thought that we are strong enough to bare it. All I can tell you is to learn to live, learn to stay happy in whatever you've got. You have your brothers, you're luckier than me. You could share anything with them. Cry with them. Smile with them. Look at me, my dad's always super busy and he's frustrated 24/7 because of that. I last saw him on my first day of this school, which was seven years ago! But I'm still living. Learn to endure it. Maybe we're chosen to bear this pain to prevent others from enduring it. It's better, right? We could be useful to others this way. Don't you think so?"

Her words made me feel better and gave me inspiration. I smiled on seeing her fake smile changing into a real one.

This felt so good. Maybe I'm right. She's not an human. Humans tend to make themselves feel worst in such situations. Even if they want to feel good, they still can't 'actually' feel it. They just tell themselves that everything's alright. Liars!

Now Haneul's making me nervous. What if she's a Domumian..... Just like me.

"Are you a Domumian or not!?" I kinda yelled at her. I didn't wanted to ask her directly but....


"D-Dom-...... What?"

"Nothing, just random things"

Now I feel lucky that I'm a good actor. Thank god.


Sorry guys for late update and short chapter.
Pls vote if you liked it. Btw I'm not hungry for votes but everyone require some amount of appreciation....

Thank you and see u soon

And pls forgive me because this chapter is NOT edited

Stay tuned bcoz now I'll be updating more often since my vacations just started and I'm all free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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