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Sophia moved fast out of the way to let the pink haired nurse come forward. "Mister Wymack, do you mind calling for a doctor! Quickly!" yelled Asha as she tried to do anything to steady Léo's condition.
Wymack nodded and left the room shortly, yelling from outside the door. Andrew simply stood there, staring at the blonde haired girl and the nurse. The nurse was working in an extreme fast pace to try and stabilize Léo's condition. Andrew huffed a bit and shifted, leaning against the wall. Sophia stood there with crossed arms and stared intense at the nurse, and she clenched her fist tightly, letting her innocent mask fade, sneaking near the nurse.

Andrew noticed the swift change and followed Sophia with his eyes. Asha was struggling to keep Léo stable. Sophia gently grabbed his hand and smirked. "Querido Léo, quiero llevarte a casa con nuestro querido Maestro Juyi" she mumbled as she let go of Léo hand and stabbed a knife into Asha's neck, making the nurse tense up before gasping. Andrew stood there shocked. "What the fuck was that!?" he yelled towards Sophia. Said girl twisted the knife and kicked the nurse away, letting the blood splatter. "No, guardián. You don't get to remember this" smiled Sophia as she took a few steps back and jumped from Léo's bed, going straight towards the goalkeeper. Andrew barely had time to put his hands infront of himself before Sophia stabbed the knife deeply into his hand, as well as kicking him hard over the head. Andrew gasped and fell over, almost completely unconscious. Sophia landed and turned to the nurse, who was bleeding out on the bed. "vamos a llevarte a casa, Léo. El maestro Juiy nos está esperando" said Sophia and unplugged Léo from every tube, everything that have kept him alive so far, grabbed him and jumped out of the window. Andrew struggled to keep himself awake, as Asha finally doubled over, gasping one last time before the blood filled the room with silence.

It was dark, once again. But it smelled off. It smelled he was underground, in the sewer system. It smelled awful. Léo took a sharp breath, resulting in a wheeze. His chest hurt like a living hell. Someone moved around him, and he slowly opened his eyes. As his glazed over gaze adjusted to the dark surroundings, he wheezed once again and gripped his chest. "Ah, Mi Amor, you're awake" said a very familiar voice. Léo's sore eyes adjusted to the darkness fairly quickly after that, and he met the striking cold eyes of Sophia, his girlfriend of many years. He swallowed and sighed. "Sophia... why are you here?" his hoarse throat protested as he spoke, and Sophia shushed him. "I took you away from that hospital. That nurse... Ashikani. She was a rebellious woman. She wanted to never let you wake up" said Sophia as she brushed over Léo's black locks. "She belonged to a rebellion gang. She needed to be wiped out"

Léo hummed lightly. "Well... I know the whereabouts of Nathan's son. Nathaniel" he wheezed as he sat up. "That pip-squeak deserves to die"
Sophia laughed. A half hearted laughed. "No, you will be staying with me from now on. I will force that stupid blonde back into the room with Wesninski, and you and me are gonna fool them completely around, until we can strike completely, and knock that stupid family out of business" she said with a small smile as she kissed Léo's bandaged cheek. "Now, Mi Amor, rest. We are leaving back to the foxes in three hours. They will have things sorted with Ashikani's death. I have never missed on a target" she gently held onto Léo's hand, and then squeezed. "Why did you leave me alone with the comrades of Wesninski... you know how cruel that family is"

Léo closed his eyes in pain and sighed. "Because I don't want to be a part of your mafia... I want a normal life... for once, after my padre was killed... I had a chance" he said as he took his hand to himself and shifted, turning away from Sophia. She growled slightly. "You will have a normal life with me once we stop the Wesninski's, you know this! You are not giving up now, you've spent seven years with them!" she screamed towards the half unconscious striker. As she realized she wouldn't get any answer, she scoffed and stood up, walking away and leaving Léo alone.

She was going to murder that son of a bitch, even if it took the last breath out of her.

Andrew woke up in a haze, his head hurting badly. Wymack and the pink haired nurse was also in the room, but the nurse was injured, a tight bandage wrapped around her neck. Asha sighed. "Fantastic, you're awake. You can return to the dorms with Mister Minyard, your brother. Mister Josten can also leave. The rest have to stay for a while longer." Asha sounded like she was extremely tired, her long pink hair falling out of her braids. "Wymack have strict orders on treating you and your teammates. No championships, no training. Strictly from Doctor Frederick. Now stay safe, Minyard"

Andrew didn't know why she looked so tired, nor why his head felt like someone had smashed it into a row of cars and put it back together, but he just wanted to sleep. "Can we leave?"
Wymack nodded, opening the door where Neil and Aaron was waiting, one in a wheelchair and the other on crutches, the boys stayed silent. The coach walked out with the boys after, not saying a word.
"Checkups are in a week. Don't miss it, Mister Wymack" said Asha as she bowed and closed the door after them.

The car ride was silent the entire way home. The boys sat uncomfortable while the coach stared intensely at the road. Neil and Aaron looked anxiously around during the entire ride, not odd because of the accident. Andrew stared out the window and closed his eyes, completely exhausted.

"We have to talk when we arrive at the Fox tower, Andrew."

"You can be strong as well, Léonard. Believe in yourself, even if your victim looks at you and beg for their life."

"My name is Léo, not Léonard"

Léo brutally woke up about two hours later, still in the stinky sewer system underground. The reason why the remaining people of the Wesninski mafia group were hiding underground, Léo didn't know. He shifted and sat up, his chest and lower abdomen still in a great amount of pain. Sophia entered shortly, having some clothes with her. "Ashikani is dead. We can move. Get dressed, Boss have a wheelchair ready for you" she said as she dumped his clothes on his feet. Léo stared at her.

"What happened while I was gone?" he asked slowly as he got dressed, minding his injuries and bandages. Sophia crossed her arms. "Well first off we thought you were dead. Boss was disappointed greatly, so I was his living punching bag. You made me get beat up to a pulp, do you realize that? And while you were gone you dared to hook up with people? You are so messed up, you coward" she growled angrily as she grabbed her own arms harshly. "You are the reason why I hate the Wesninski's! You know that! I saw how they treated you, just like your father. Your mother-"

"Do not speak of my deceased parents. They are not worth the words on your tongue" said Léo strictly as he held his abdomen, walking towards her. Sophia swallowed uneasy and kept her stance as Léo forcibly walked by her, smacking his shouder into hers, making Sophia back away.

"Things have changed since I left this hellhole. I do not want to be a part of it, even if Nathaniel is apart of my exy team"

Sophia growled but let him pass without any questions, crossing her hands over her chest once more. "Yes, you will be apart if it. You are always with me on everything, I choose if you get to leave this place behind or not, it's always been like that" she said, yelling after the striker. Léo frowned but kept going, leaving her in the dust, clenching his abdomen harshly, shaking in pain.

"No te das cuenta de cuánto he pasado, Sophia... you have no say in what i can and cannot do" said Léo so Sophia could hear. Sophia stared after him with a scowl.

"You are strong. You survived a hell I could never imagine going through. You are a lethal weapon if used correctly.
You are nothing but a weapon, do you understand, Léonard?"

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