Farewell, dear friend

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He couldn't hear clearly. It was dark. He could only hear his own breathing properly. The darkness around him only thickened when he tried to move. He could not move, his muscles ached and screamed bloody murder. His stomach hurt like someone had ripped him open, turned his intestines around and sewed him back together. His chest felt like someone had punched him so hard all his ribs broke.
He was in agony, but he couldn't scream. He couldn't move. He couldn't do anything other than listen to the low beeping and mumbling in the distance.

The darkness around him felt like it would swallow him whole. He wanted to scream, run away from the darkness and hide. He couldn't. No matter what. He tried to move, but was frozen in place.
The air around him was also too thick, too unnatural. This felt off. He tried to look around in the darkness, but there was nothing. He heard someone talk far away, almost foggy like. He tried to reach for those voices, those voices who urged him to move forward. He wanted to investigate those voices. They seemed familiar, but at the same time, they didn't. He can't understand why he recognize the voices, or why they are so far away, but he ran. He ran to catch up with those voices, until his feet started to reach liquids. He was now swimming, with all his might and power, he tried his best to climb, swim, run and crawl after the voices.

They shortly but fast got less foggy, and he continued to fight the darkness to hear those voices. He kept going, even as his body ached, and he could hear the beeping that had calmly been there earlier pick up. The voices he tried to reach onto started to yell, and scream in panic. He kept going, no matter what the darkness said to him, he wanted to hear those people's voices.

No matter what.


Asha walked into young Mister Flores' room after showing the coach and the rebellious twin Mister Josten. Before letting the coach and the blonde see Mister Flores, she had to double check that everything was in order. As she entered the room, a yound blonde haired girl sat next to Mister Flores, watching him with a sad smile. Asha raised a brow. She hven't seen this girl on the waiting list, nor the waiting room. "Excuse me, young lady, ow may I help you?" said Asha as she cleared her throat. catching the girl with surprise. She mumbled to Flores in another tongue, and turned to face the nurse.
"Hello, I'm Léo's girlfriend. I was informed about his accident and came flying with a plane from Seville. I'm sorry about my sudden appearance. I'm also here to speak to the Foxes coach, Mister Wymack" the young girl smiled innocently while holding Léo's limp hand, hearing the steady beats of the heart monitor in the background. Asha let out a breath.

"Very well. I will inform the coach about your arrival. They are visiting other teammates that is also in this hospital. What is your name, young girl?" asked Asha, feeling a sudden weird feeling crawl up her back. The girl smiled innocently and let go of Léo's hand, making it fall onto the bed again. She giggled a bit, but then the act disappeared, and a wicked smile spread across her small face.
"My name is Sophia. Sophia Garcia."

Asha swallowed a bit. Sophia's act completely changed. She smiled a bit to the girl and went on to check up on the striker laying in the bed. Sophia followed Asha's every move with her striking dark blue eyes.


Andrew stood impatiently inside Neil's hospital room, waiting on Neil and Wymack to come back from their small trip to the toilet. He stood there, looking around in the room, studying the different machines they used on Neil. One was cleary a heart monitor, the steady box standing on a pole, showing 0 as heart rate. He saw a oxygen mask hanging losely around the bed, along with several different things to connect to Neil's IV. Andrew couldn't possibly understand how Neil was able to walk around and still not double over in pain every few seconds. His injuries looked extremely bad, and out of what Andrew have seen, there is no doubt that there was more damage underneath the skin.
Andrew sighed and sat down in the chair next to the hospital bed. "Who drove into who, I wonder. I don't think that Kevin would do something so reckless." mumbled Andrew to himself, just as the door opened, and Neil limped his way inside with his crutches, and Wymack following him shortly.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine. You should check up on the others, I'm not sure how they are doing" said Neil as he carefully walked to the bed and sat on it, sighing out as his leg got to rest. "I'm sorry that we won't be able to participate in the championships" mumbled the striker to the coach, who now heleped Neil put away his crutches. The coach hummed lightly, not answering.  Andrew and Wymack both knew what it meant when Neil used the phrase 'I'm fine'. He was really not fine. Giving the circumstances, they completely understood. Andrew sighed. "Let's check up on the rest. Kevin and Léo left" mumbled the goalkeeper as he walked to the door, ready to head out. Wymack gave Neil a short goodbye, and left with the hotheaded Minyard twin.

"Where is tha pink haired bitch?" mumbled Andrew with his arms crossed. Wymack sighed as he saw the nurse walk towards them. "I'm right here, Mister Minyard. Next teammate you want to see?" asked Asha as she held a few papers. Wymack scratched his neck. "What about Léo?"
Asha nodded and walked back the direction she came from. The men followed her in complete silence, Andrew being too pissed to show any emotion or use his voice, and Wymack who didn't want to irritate the goalkeeper too much.
The nurse lead them towards a isolated room at the end of the hallway, and as she opened the door, she gave a waning look towards Wymack. The coach looked confused as they entered.

By the bed sat a yound lookig blonde haired girl. She held Léo's limp pale hand and spoke in Spanish to the unconcious boy in the bed.
"The coach is here, Sophia" said Asha as she went to monitor the statistics of Léo's wellbeing. The young girl smirked and turned around, a huge smile on her face. "Hola Coach! You probably didn't think you'd see me for another few months, huh?"

The coach hummed a bit and smiled back. "Sophia Garcia. Top at the list of recommendations."
As they were talking, she was holding onto Léo's limp hand gently, making Andrew scoff slightly and walk to a chair to stare at his lover. Sophia introduced herself and the basics, and the coach and her was having a full outconversation.

Suddenly, Léo's heart monitor started beeping out of control, making Asha spring to action to try and stabilize the striker. Sophia and Wymack were now panicking, while Andrew felt tears press on. 'Why does horrible things always happen to the people he loves?'

"His heart is failing!"


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