Tutorial (prologue)

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Every story has its beginning, for every good, there is evil, for every victory there is loss, enemies are formed based on these facts. In this story, we will focus on an iconic rivalry between good and evil reborn. With new allies, new enemies, and new struggles and consequences, this won't be an adventure you want to miss.

For context, we must go back 10 years, to an island on a world far, far away. Luscious green grass, sandy beaches, long winding paths, and even some rock formations that looked like loop de loops. In this world, a very unique creature was born with extraordinary powers and was told to keep them hidden, but like any child, he did the opposite. His name was sonic, and he was a hedgehog born with blue fur and superspeed.

As he happily runs through his island, not giving a care in the world, he makes it to his home, curls into a ball and bumps into his adoptive mother, an owl named longclaw. She watched over the child and raised him like her own." sonic, someone could have seen you." the owl told the boy as he got up, but he was obviously not worried." no one saw me, I'm too fast!" he exclaimed, making longclaw sigh." and...I wanted to bring you this." the hedgehog added as he pulled out a flower from his quills.

Longclaw reached out to grab it, but then she heard a noise, she looked up and saw that they were not alone. A tribe of masked warriors had followed sonic home, wanting the power he possessed. Out of instinct, she grabbed the child and closed the door as arrows that were meant for him, hit the door.

Before they could climb in and grab them both, longclaw took Sonic and flew to safety, but not before one of the tribal members got a shot on her wing, and made her crash. She realized that in her state, she would not survive, and she knew what had to be done." listen carefully sonic..." she told the boy as she set him down and got up." you have a power that is beyond anything I've seen, and that means someone will always want it. The only way to stay safe is to stay hidden." she explained.

Then from her bag she pulled out a ring, she threw it and it became a portal to another world.''this world is on the far side of the universe, you should be safe there." she told sonic as she gave the bag to him, it was at this point that he realized what she meant." longclaw, I can't go without you." he exclaimed. Despite not wanting to leave him to fend for his own, longclaw believed that if she stayed behind, he would be safe." you must, these rings must be your most important possession." she told him when suddenly she hears the tribe coming for them." go sonic, if you're discovered, use one, never stop running." she told him as the boy ran through the portal, but he then turned back to see the owl had blocked the path to the portal as it began to close.

In a moment of panic, he dropped the bag and ran back in hopes of saving her, but he was too late. As longclaw had taken one last look at the boy and smiled" goodbye sonic...." she said as the portal closed. Sonic then fell to his knees in shock, the one who had taken care of him, his mother figure, was gone. This shook the poor creature, this made him feel afraid...but he knew one thing...he had to hide, he had to run, he had to make sure no one got hurt again. So he grabbed the bag of rings and ran as far as he could.

Over the past few weeks, sonic had found himself a home and stuff to keep him busy and ease him from the burden of losing his family. In the first few weeks of his isolation, the boy struggled to find food in his hideout in the woods, but before he could get back to his cave, he heard something nearby. Out of curiosity, he went and saw what looked like an older man having a picnic with his daughter, who looked to be about his age. He watched as the two enjoyed a meal out in nature, wishing he could feel that.

As sonic kept searching for food, he heard something come near and hid behind the bushes.'' Hello?" he heard a voice call out, he then took a quick look and saw it was the girl, which made sonic nervous, if he was discovered, he would have to run again, but then something happened, as she looked in the general direction the hedgehog was hiding she said something that would change sonics life." don't worry little guy, I won't hurt you." she told him as she set down what looked like a little bit of meat and vegetables." Are you hungry? My daddy always told me if you're nice to animals, they might like you." she told him, unknowing what the creature really was.

before sonic could come out, the girl heard her father calling her." I gotta go, if we come back I'll bring more for you." she told him and smiled as she ran off, sonic quickly looked around before coming out of his hiding spot and grabbed the food. As he consumed it, he felt comfortable in what she said, so much so that he decided to follow them, hoping he could find some way to thank her.

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