"Thanks for the concern, but I don't need one of your...protection charms." It took Jenny a lot of effort to not say "bogus pieces of junk."

"Okay, but I strongly suggest it. Let's go find a first aid kit. You look hot by the way."

"And you look incredibly sexy," Jenny replied. On a normal day, Naomi was pretty with her green eyes and long blond locks. Tonight, she was a bombshell in her low-cut nurse outfit that emphasized her D-cups. Jenny was probably going to have to fend off hordes of horny douche bags.

The frat house was packed. Jenny felt claustrophobic as Naomi and she swam through the crowd. Ugh. She tried so hard not to think about how many people's sweat touched her skin. The first thing she was going to do when she left this party was find a hot shower.

"I don't think we're going to find a first aid kit," Jenny said, cringing when a particularly wet shoulder came into contact with hers.

"I think you're right," Naomi said with a sigh. "You think the cat had rabies or anything?"

"Um, I don't think so...?"

"You should be fine then. Want a drink?"

Jenny wrinkled her nose. She liked her drinks sweet and fruity, but she knew the options at a frat party were probably going to range from Miller and Miller Lite to Bud and Bud Light. However, maybe a beer would relax her. "Sure."

When they got to the refreshment table, it was nearly empty. There were only five cans of PBR left, two of which Naomi quickly snatched up. After handing Jenny a beer, Naomi opened her can and raised it. "Here's to an epic Halloween."

"To an epic Halloween," Jenny said with way less enthusiasm, meeting her friend's PBR with hers. Then she took a sip and immediately pursed her lips. Definitely not sweet and fruity.

Not a minute later, a guy dressed as a priest walked up to Naomi. "Have my prayers been working?" the guy asked. "Because I swear a beautiful nurse is standing in front of me."

Jenny let out a quiet groan while Naomi giggled.

"Want to dance?" False Priest asked.

"Okay," Naomi said, still giggling. To Jenny: "I'll be back in 5 minutes."

5 minutes, my ass. Jenny would be lucky if she saw Naomi in 5 hours. "Have fun." Then she whispered into Naomi's ear, "Text me 'Filthy Ass Platypus' later so I know you didn't get stabbed by Fake Priest."

"What? I said I was going to be back in 5 minutes."

Jenny shook her head. "Honey, we both know you too well. You're going to fornicate with Father Frat Boy."

Naomi exhaled. "Yeah, I am. He's cute, isn't he?"

"I guess," Jenny said. "Now go dance with him, you strumpet."

With a wave, Naomi disappeared with Father Frat Boy into the crowd.

Normally, Jenny would be pissed with Naomi for ditching her for some douche-bag she just met, but she was all too happy to have an excuse to leave the party. Searching for the nearest trash can—there was no way she was finishing the rest of this PBR shit—she struggled her way through the mass of bodies, miraculously holding onto her beer. God, she couldn't wait to take a shower and wash these strangers' sweat off her.

"Excuse me," she said to an intoxicated sexy Sonic the Hedgehog before bumping into a tall guy and spilling her beer on his brown shoes. Shit. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry—"

The guy grabbed her arm. Oh fuck, she thought, feeling the strength of his grip. "Did you just spill beer on my Gucci loafers?" he hissed.

Panic filled her. Gucci? She looked up, the panic threatening to choke her when she saw the face of Ross Choi—aka the most popular guy on campus and the son of Samuel Choi, aka the freaking district attorney. Her mouth grew dry as she stared at Ross's handsome face. He looked like Henry Golding with gray eyes. She'd heard lots of things about him. He was the school's star lacrosse player, came from a ridiculously wealthy family, and was apparently a vengeful bastard. Rumor had it he'd had a waiter blacklisted from all the restaurants in town when the poor guy had accidentally spilled water near him. Christ, what was Ross going to do to her for spilling PBR on his very expensive shoes?

In the Dark: An Insta-Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now