Day 18: At The Park

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I was convinced today was the perfect day to go to the park. It was my turn to pick the date, so that's what I had decided on. The beautiful weather was just a plus. I got to spend time with Cole in public today since I knew the others wouldn't be around, which tends to be a once in a lifetime chance. When there are that many people who can all travel independently, it's hard to make sure everyone is home at the same time. Really the only thing that would tie everyone together is one of my home cooked meals, but if I'm not around to cook, they scatter. This time, though, it was different. Most of the ninja had gone on a long, overnight mission, all except for me and Cole, so they were all asleep. Uncle Wu and Mom were staying home to look after them and check for injuries after they woke up, but Cole and I were free to go. Not that they knew we were on a date, of course, but I think Wu was starting to suspect. He has an eye for this sort of thing.

"Hey, you." I heard a deep voice close to my ear and then strong arms wrap around my shoulders. "You seem distracted." I shook my head.

"Just thinking."

"About what? How sexy I am?" I laughed and grabbed his arms, pulling them away from me so I could turn to look at him.

"Not exactly. I was thinking Wu is catching on. I knew he would eventually, it's just kind of weird thinking that he could know about us." I saw his shoulders and jaw tense up a little and I had to laugh. "Looks like you feel the same way," I took his hand and started walking, "but that's not what we're here to do, so put it out of your mind for now, alright?" He grinned and nodded.

"Okay." He followed along with what I had planned for the day and we had a lot of fun. We strolled around, talking about whatever came to mind (except for the Wu situation), and eventually got some yaki imo and sat on one of the various benches scattered around.

"This is really nice." Cole said, leaning on me slightly. His arm was around my shoulder, so I took advantage and moved closer to him.

"Yeah, it is." He set aside his empty bowl and pulled me even closer.

"I love you." My breath hitched and I smiled.

"I love you, too," and added, just remembering about Wu and Zane, "No matter what happens, I won't leave you."

"I know."

Ninjago OTP 20 Day Challenge (based off of challenge by inactivenowbye)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang