His Return

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This is going to be a first-person story, and it will be narrated by Tom lol)))

Today is the day where everything went so downhill it's like jumping off a goddamn cliff.... Alright, time for a bit of background info... Hi, I'm Tom and that's all you get. All you need to know about me is that I live with these two idiots, Edd, the purest cinnamon roll and lovable idiot, then there's Matt, his ego could reach the fucking sun.

Then he moved back in....

Tord... As much as I'd hate to admit it, I had a huge crush in him before he left, and I thought my dumb ass finally got over it until I saw his stupid, pretty face again. I get so angry looking at him. He makes my heart flutter and fly like a migration of monarch butterflies. I hate him so fucking much but God, I want him to love me back. I doubt that'll ever happen. God dammit brain...

Anyway, Matt and Edd are "going to meet an old friend at the diner nearby" but I know they're going on a date based on Matt's smug smirk, which meant I was going to be left alone at home left with nothing but my thoughts and that goddamn commie, Tord.

So instead of dealing with my intrusive thoughts I decided to get black out drunk, but before I did, I had to find my precious vodka. Edd doesn't like it when I drink. He comes into my room, steals it, hides it, and then pretends to be clueless. Even then he still lectures me when I find it. God he's like my mom except he doesn't bitch about my eating, well kind of. He bitches when I don't eat enough. I find that to be bullshit but whatever.

God damnit... If Edd wasn't so frickin cute I'd kick his ass. To be fair I probably still couldn't anyway because he's 5"7 and a lot stronger than me, he can often pick me up and carry me like a baby, everyone in the house can. I'm... short... but I make for a good deadlift with my weight. speaking of which Matt is 6"0, Tord on the other hand is 6"5 and towers over all of us, I'm still the shortest, only standing at 5"3, which sucks.

It took my nearly 15 minutes before I started getting desperate. I started whining about not being able to find my alcohol, but then I heard Tord laughing. He cooed at me with his cocky accent because of my little rampage and my pointless rummaging through the kitchen. Enraged, I whipped my head around to yell at him until I noticed that he had it. I forced myself to stand up and face him calmly. "Tord... will you please give that back?" I mean... I tried?

"Aww, does wittle baby Tommy Wommy want his bottle?" He grinned, shaking my Smirnoff slightly.

"Don't even start, commie! Now give it!!" I grumbled, lunging at him, trying to reach the bottle.

"That is not very nice, Jehovah." he smirked. "Please..." I grumbled under my breath.

"Aww, okay, how can I say no to that cute wittle face?!" He said as he handed me the bottle and pulled my cheek like an aggressive grandma. "Fuck off!" I yelled, pushing him out of the way and storming up to my room.

I locked the door and tried to open the bottle, it always takes me a few times to get it open, I'm not the strongest, okay? This time, though, I was able to open it immediately... "what the fuck?" Kinda suspicious but whatever, so I drank only to find that it had a weird ataste to it, but i usually can down a third of the bottle before getting wrecked, But I only had a few sips. I couldn't keep my eyes open, I felt so dizzy and exhausted. I laid down on my bed and took some pain medication. Hiding my drink for later, I closed my eyes, and then I couldn't open them, they became glued shut.

The last thing I remember is someone coming into my room, Edd is the only one with key to my room other than me so I thought I was about to get an ear full of him, but it wasn't him, or maybe I was far too drunk to tell, but that can't possibly be it. I remember being picked up, the sound of footsteps on the stairs going down, I think, then a metal door opening. I remember what felt like being laid down on a rough surface, all light being blocked out. It sounded and felt like that one time my dad locked me in the trunk as a punishment. But the heat finally caused me to completely pass out...

I have no idea what's going on.

(((DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUNNN!!!!!! Lol! I hope you like the first chapter! I really love this rewrite!! OwO' Anyway, love ya!!!

~Dimitri Thorwell))

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