Item Of The Day: Spike Collar and Spike Wristband

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This was suggested by happyfeet329! Thanks to all who commented! The picture above shows one spiked wristband and three spike collars all rare they are the 'short' versions. The next item will be headdress also suggested by happyfeet329 but still comment or private message me what item you want to see next (after headdress)-Elm

Spike Collar:
The spike collar or 'spike' as many jammers call it is an item that goes around the animals neck. There are two different types on spikes. The long spike has longer spikes on the band and then small spikes in between the bigger ones. The short spike has a medium sized spikes attached to the band and that is it. For some reason many jammers prefer the long spike. The rare and non rare both come in a variety of colors. For some other reason non rare spikes are considered rarer than rare spikes even though non rare spikes used to be available in the diamond shop.

Spiked Wristband:
Like the spike collar it has a long and short version. They also used to be available in the diamond shop. They are basically the same as the spike except they are smaller (duh) and worn on the wrist/foot (whatever you call it). Another name used by many jammers is 'spike wrist'. The rare and non rare versions come in a variety of colors.

Where to get the spike and the spike wrist:
Trading like all items. The Forgotten Desert (like a lot of items). These are rare to get in trading and the eagle adventure. Most will over trade for them, and most jammers act like if they have a spike, you have to like trade a whole membership for it (don't). So if you want one use my saying: if you want something, get it yourself! No offense but I think most tracings for them are unsuccessful.

Fun Facts:
1. In beta times the spiked wristband was called the spikey wristband.
2. Sometimes the short spike is called the spiked necklace.
3. The non rare spike is called rarer because the rare can now be obtained in The Forgotten Desert (Well that is what most jammers say).
4. Many "famous" jammers have spikes.
5. They used to be a monthly member gift (those existed in beta times I believe).

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