Chapter 3 sunset

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"Good morning"he said leaning on the door frame once she opened her eyes

"Morning"Natasha said as she saw him

"Did you slept okay?"steve asked

"Yes yes I did"she said looking around the room

"Great I made dinner dress up and come"He said walking out of the door she lazily she walked into the closet that Steve had told her about his littles sisters clothes and started searching she picked a plain black shirt and leggings getting dress up but something caught her eyes it was picture with Steve and his little sister laughing around at a random joke she picked up the picture and stared at it for a while

"Natasha you okay?"Steve yelled from downstairs she walked down the stairs to be greeting by a beautiful smell that she had almost forgot pancakes

"Do you want chocolate and strawberries on yours?"Steve asked

"Yes please"she said smiling

A smile Steve hadn't seen her smiled before and this was a real one she was safe and she had missed so much that's why he decided to take her and spend their day out today.

"Do you like them?"Steve asked

"Yes can you learn me make them?"Natasha asked eating happily

"Of course whenever you want"Steve said smiling at her he looked into her emerald green eyes and lost himself she stared at his baby blue eyes as well smiling again just keeping the contact
"I have plan something for today we can maybe go for a walk? Some ice cream or cinema"Steve asked her not knowing her reaction Natasha looked at her plate

"Out of the house?"she asked shocked

"Yes"he said

"Okay"she said not really convinced

"Great"Steve said


"Are you ready?"Steve asked her gently knocking on the door

"Yes"she said opening the door of her new room

"Wow you look beautiful"he said looking at her beautiful sweater with stripes that belonged to his sister but it fitted better on her

"Thank you"she said and looked at him weird as he was staring

"Oh I am sorry here wear this so you won't be cold it's chilly out there"he said helping her into a jacket

They walked out of the house with Steve locking the door behind him and Natasha didn't left his side she turned around with every sound.

She took gently his hand in hers without knowing which made Steve blush and look at her.

"I am here he is never gonna hurt you again I promise"Steve said squishing gently her hand which made her calm

"Okay so you can choose what do you wanna do do you want something to eat?"he asked looking at her eyes she was looking at the beautiful sky she couldn't do anything else but the sky that she had missed so much and then his baby blue eyes which made her calm

"I wanna get ice cream"she said with a serious tone still not showing much emotions

"Okay so I know a good place with ice cream down this street"he said smiling showing her road she nodded and they walked to their direction with Natasha looking around at the birds kids the trees she had missed so much

"So what's your favorite flavor of ice cream"he asked getting her out of her thoughts

"I love chocolate"she said without sharing details or emotions

"What's yours?"she asked that he didn't expect her to talk again

"Oh I love vanilla"he said with a small smile on his face

"That's a good flavor"she commended finally speaking

"Yea it is"he said as they reached the ice cream shop

"Good afternoon sir"

"Good afternoon"Natasha said before he could which took him by total surprise

"We would want a chocolate ice and a vanilla one"Steve said paying

"Right away sir"he said

"Thank you"Steve said looking at Natasha who was reading something on the wall

"Here sir chocolate I guess for your girlfriend Steve was about to explain to him that they weren't together

"Thank you"Natasha said before he could answer and he turned around to see her she didn't seem uncomfortable or annoyed with the fact that he called his girlfriend and he was happy about that

"And here you go sir"

"Thank you"Steve said taking Natasha walking away from the shop

"If you want we can see the sunset from a place near that I know"he said looking at her she licked her spoon from her chocolate ice cream which made him smile as she was enjoying it she didn't speak but nodded they walked with Steve leading the way stopping in front of a bench which had view the sunset they sat there eating their ice creams in silence

"You know I don't even remember the last time I saw this"she said looking in front of her

"I am sorry"he said sadly knowing that this wouldn't help the situation

"Thank you"she said

"Look do you wanna come back tomorrow here and see it again?"he asked and she looked at him with a smile that he hadn't seen before and hope in her eyes

"Yes"she said smiling

"We will as long as you keep that smile on your face"he said and she blushed a little

"Oh my god look who is here with a girl!"a woman suddenly yelled which made Natasha look at her nervously

"Wanda?"Steve asked turning around seeing his sister

"Hey missed me? I didn't know you had a girlfriend"Wanda his sister yelled

"She is -"before he could respond Natasha spoke kindly

"Hi"Natasha said smiling at the woman in front of her

"Oh my god hi I am Wanda his big sister!"Wanda said smiling getting her hand for a shake but Natasha didn't she was kinda scared

"I am sorry"Natasha said seeing Wanda sadly getting her hand away

"For thé record i am thé big brother I am 26 when you are 21!"Steve said annoyed

"Pff it doesn't matter why don't you introduce us?"Wanda asked

"Right"Steve said looking at Natasha for approve that she was okay with this and he did get it
"Natasha this is Wanda my young sister"he said awkwardly

"Nice to meet you wait is that my sweater?"Wanda asked and Steve and Natasha looked at each other
"Well"Steve tried to cover this

"Oh I don't care I will come and sleep at your house tomorrow bye!"Wanda said running away before Steve could reply he turned back on Natasha to apologized but she seemed too busy at her ice cream
"I am sor-"he said

"She seems nice"Natasha said finishing her ice cream

"You think so?"he asked

"Yes"she replied

"Do you like the stars?"steve asked as she looked at the sky which was dark by now

"Can we go home?"she said fast feeling scared the dark sky reminded her bad memories

"Sure"Steve said and she took his hand in hers

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She feels safe with him but will she be when the man is out there?
Wanda seems nice!
Next chapter soon....

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