Chapter 4

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Here's the next chapter!

This one is from Race's POV. I used the name Tyler with SomedayonBroadway's permission. 

TW: Mentions of child abuse


Tyler Higgins knew pretty much everyone in the theatre department, so on Friday, when a new kid was standing awkwardly in the doorway, hands in pockets, he felt the need to investigate. As he neared the kid, he saw that his eyes were darting around the room, almost nervously.

"Uh, can I help you?"

The kid in front of him jumped. It took him a minute to calm down, then he shrugged. "I dunno. I was told I needed an elective and the office sent me here,"

"Oh, uh, okay. Wait here." Tyler left the kid alone. He'd never seen this kid before. He looked to be older, but still. He couldn't be sure, but the kid definitely looked anxious. And it didn't look like the normal 'new class, new people' kind.

In one of the back rooms of the school theatre, he found Ms Larkin, the drama teacher "Mamma Medda," He said, causing her to turn around.

"What's wrong, baby,"

"Nothing's wrong," at least he hoped not, "but there's a new kid who said the office moved him to this class."

"Well, let's go see him!" she smiled.

The kid hadn't left his place right inside the door.

"Hello sweetie," Ms Medda came forward, laying a hand on his shoulder. The kid flinched slightly, but didn't pull away. She removed her hand. "I'm Ms Medda, are you interested in acting?"

The kid shrugged, but looked almost panicked at the idea. "I, uh, don't really like the idea of bein' in front of a lot of people like that. I'm just here 'cause the office said I had to."

At least he was honest.

"That's perfectly fine, is there anything you do like to do? We need all kinds of help around here."

He shrugged again, almost like he was afraid to give answers. "I like to, uh, draw, 'n stuff."

"You could help with our backdrops! Do you paint?"

He nodded hesitantly.

"Wonderful! What's your name, Hunny?"

"Jack, uh, Jack Kelly."

"Well Jack, welcome to the theatre! Race, will you show Jack where the props and settings are? He can get a look at what we're working on and try out some paints to see what he's comfortable with."

Tyler smiled, "Sure, come on Jack,"

The older boy tentatively followed. "I'm Tyler, but most people call be Race."


The single word was followed by a long stint of silence. Eventually, they reached a small back room. It had all kinds of pains and art supplies, as well as a large backdrop hung across two walls.

"This is the room where we work on the props and stuff. Someone was working on a backdrop of a sky out west, but they dropped out. You think you can finish it?"

Jack shrugged. "Probably." He paused a second, then used his head to point towards it, "Can I try?"

Race nodded, "Go ahead."

Jack pushed up his sleeves a little, then picked up a paintbrush. As he started to paint, Race noticed the dark bruising around his right wrist. He watched the older boy paint. He was good, no doubt about that, but his eyes kept finding the bruising on his arm.

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