Dress robes

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Y/N Point of view

All of the girls were giggling and gossiping when we left the classroom. Filled with ideas and boys in most of their heads.

"I wonder who Hermione is going to take to Yule Ball" I mocked her.

" And I wonder who you want to take?" She snapped back.

"who are you talking about?" Harry jumped into our conversation sneaking up behind us, Bloody hell. Here comes the overprotective brother.

" nobody" Ginny jumped in to save me. "Hermione is taking George"

" and who are you taking Y/N" Harry asked me,

"um..Er... I am taking Ginny obviously" I awkwardly giggled taking Ginny's arm in mine.

" Whatever" He mumbled. Obviously not happy with my lie I told him.

We walked to class and went on with our day was normal. Harry kept on bugging me about dates to the Yule Ball and who I wanted to go with, but Hermione keep jumping in and would help save me.. She knew who I wanted to go with, and I knew who I wanted to with. But Harry would never allow it and he would have both our heads. But if Hermione was going with George why couldn't I go with Ron.

We went Dinner and I sat in my normal spot with Ginny and the twins. while Harry, Ron and Hermione sat father down the table in their normal place.

"So are you and good 'ol Ronald going to dance together" Fred asked me. I rolled my eyes

" It's not gonna happen" I told them " can we please stop talking about it?"

" I think Harry will get over it," Ginny whispered to me, Hoping Harry could not hear our conversation.

"Parcel for you Mr Weasley" Nigel said to Ron

"Oh look mum's sent me something. Mum sent me a dress??" He looked down the table to where we are sitting and I took a glance into his eyes. " Ginny these must be for you."

"I'm not wearing that it's ghastly." Hermione and I giggled

"They're not for Ginny they're for you! Dress robes!" Hermione told him.

We are giggled. Ron held up his dress robes. After Dinner I headed to the library to work on some potions work with Hermione, She was smiling from ear to ear. I rolled my eyes to her knowing it had something to George.

"Let me guess, you have a date to the dance?" I said sarcastically.

She grinned at me "now we just need to find you one"

" like Harry is going to be okay with that" I rolled my eyes at the idea of Harry watching over me and my date at the ball. "Harry isn't going to like anyone I go to the dance with."

"exactly, so why don't you go with someone you want to?!"


I went class at normal for the rest of the week on Friday was the first Challenge of the Tournament. I was so nervous and scared for Harry I couldn't think or pay attention in my classes. I had to get Hermione to help me with papers because I would zone out in the middle of the lesson. 

"He will fine" Hermione tired to reassure me while sitting in the library with her as I fumble with the random page of my potions book.  

" there is a 17 age limit for a reason and Harry is only 14" I sigh. And try to work on whatever to keep my mind off this stupid Challenge. 

That night I didn't get much sleep, I was so worried about Harry and how he would do, he's my brother and pretty the only thing I had left besides Sirius. I got out of bed and pulled myself into a Gryffindor pull over sweater and a pair of jeans. I put my hair into a two little braids and put on a beanie to keep my head warm. I meet Hermione in the common room to go breakfast.  
In the great hall, Harry was already in a Hogwarts quidditch robe eating breakfast. Hermione and I joined him. 

"Early start" I asked
He nodded his head obviously very nervous.  

Hermione touches his hand. " you will do great Harry, just remember the broom" she tired be encouraging as possible for 7 in the morning.

We all ate our breakfast in silence. I was to worried for him to even eat. I drank my tea and let my mind wander off. Mad-eye came down into the great hall to take Harry away.

"Harry wait" I yelled after him before he could leave the great hall. I ran after him and threw my arms around his shoulders. " good luck"   

He pulled me for a tight hug " I will be fine,  you nerd" he laughed at me. Probably for hugging him. Honestly Harry and I have only ever hugged once in my whole life and it was right now.  I walked back to the table . 

" ah that was just the sweetest thing" I rolled my eyes at her.  Hermione was always had such a soft spot. I looked down the great hall, to see Ginny and Ron slowly walking to our table. Fred and George follow behind them. 

"BETS! place your bets here" they yelled though the great hall. Going table to table. 

"Ugh I told him not do to do that" Hermione groaned at Ginny and Ron sat down at the table next to us. Ron right across from me, his hair is all disheveled, rubbing his eye still trying to wake up.  

"Ronald, It's going to be cold outside on the quidditch pitch" Hermione snaps at him. I looked at him noticing he's only got on a hand me down long sleeve tee. 

 " Um....er..yeah about that" Ron locks eyes with me, my heart jumps a little in my chest. " my jumper is still with you. Y/N." 

I feel my cheeks get flushed. " oh right, I don't mind getting it before the challenge" I felt very embarrassed. We ate breakfast catching up and talking about classes. Ginny and Hermione talked about their dress that they had picked up for the dance already.  

We finished breakfast and the great hall began to clear out, Hermione went to find George must likely to yell at him. Ron and I left the great hall together and began to walk  Gryffindor common room together. 

Word count: 1130  

Authors note: Sorry it took me so bloody long to write this.. Wattpad for some reason lost part of my story.  

Also...... I am still thinking of who Ron could go with at the Yule Ball. I have two ideas Please let me know that you think I should do. Much love <3 

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