Part 6. The Library

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(Y/N) Point of View  

I woke up the morning all snuggled into my bed, Cozy in my jumper, It smelled just like Ron, realizing  I had Ron's jumper on. I knew I wasn't going to hear the end of this from the girls.
I sat up in bed, saw Hermione filling with her hair  huffing and puffing.  

" you alright, Hermione" I said yawning she turned to face me,  

"George thinks he's real slick," she groaned, turning to showing off her black and purple little mark on her neck, I gasped and then started laughing 

" that hilarious" i giggled at her. 

" I can't go downstairs I won't hear the end of it from your brother and Ronald"  

"Come here" I took out wand off my nightstand near my bed  "Tergeo" Hermione grounded in pain. "Um sorry" I looked at her neck the The coloration of purple and black went away to show a little dark spot that looked like dirt on her neck.  

"Ugh it's the best it's gonna get"  She mumbled 

Ginny walked in the room in her quidditch robes, sweating. " hi guys" she quickly changed out her sweaty quidditch clothing and changed into her school robes, I got out of bed and changed into my school robes for the day.

"nice Jumper" Hermione said to me, I completely forgot I was wearing it. 

"It's not what it looks like!" I said back to her defending myself. 

" it looked like you guys were cozy on that couch on last night" she mocked me. 

" who was cozy in the couch?" Ginny asked ease-dropping into our conversation. 

"(Y/N) and Ronald" Hermione cheered, 

"Oh my, what?" Ginny looked at me noticing the Jumper now in my hand.  

" and she had his jumper on" she winked at me. 

" Girls nothing happened, Ron was just talking to me trying to get my mind of my bothers possible death in this dangerous tournament" I yelled at them.

" whatever you say" Hermione giggling. 

" at least I don't have a love bite on my neck"  I looked at her neck,

"Ugh piss off" Hermione said. As Ginny and I laughed. 
We walked down the stairs to see Ron and Harry chatting something about quidditch , I left the jumper upstairs, I'll just give it Ron another time I didn't feel like fighting with my bother with now.   

"morning" I smiled at them Ron gives a small smile. He always looks the cutest in the morning with his messy hair and soft smile. 

" did you sleep well?" he asked me ,nodding at him.
"Hermione didn't" Harry laughed. 

"Ronald! You told Harry?" She looked at him with her stern eyes. 

"come on Hermione I had too, this is the first interesting thing that's happened to you and with my brother. I had to tell him" Ron defending himself.

We walked to defense against the dark arts. I sat next to Hermione, Harry and Ron sat next to each other.

"That class was awful" Harry exclaimed 

" there's a reason curses are unforgivable, and to perform them in the classroom , I mean did you see Neville's face." Hermione said.  
We walked down the stairs,

"Hey you okay?" Ron asked me I just kinda nodded
"It was a rough class" I mumbled " and to talk about Harry and the killing curse at this time" my stomach had felt sick. 

" Harry and I have divination, you going be okay?" Hermione looked at me. I nodded.  

"I'll have some and tea and be in the library" I said. Harry and Hermione went up the stairs and head to divination. 

"I'll join you if you don't mind for tea" Ron said 

"Alright then" We headed down to the Gryffindor Tower, I got my extra books and steeped a cup of tea. 

" you feeling better" Ron asked me. I Shrugged.  

" you know Ron, you do not have to do this, look after me. I know Harry asked you to watch me or something"  

" no he hasn't, I want too. I like spending time with you" Ron smiled at me.
My heart jumped and I felt butterflies in my stomach. I felt my cheeks blush. 

" why thank you Weasley," I smiled at him.  

"Anytime Potter" We packed up our things and my books and went to the library. I picked a small desk in a quiet corridor near the potions book section. I opened my books and started to study. I tired to dive into my books and study's like I normally do but I had way to much on my mind with a Harry and that awful class today I threw my head on the desk into the book in front of me. I caught Ron's attention. 

"Oh sorry" I mumbled.. "I just have a lot on my mind I guess.The words are just turning into mush"  

Ron put a comforting arm around me, I lifted my head off the desk and placed it on the shoulder. My heart skipped a beat for a moment. I sighed. Feeling tears come to eye.  

" hey none of that" Ron whispered to me  

" Right" I chuckled a little " I'm not this much of a cryer I never cry"  

"It's all good, I won't tell" he laughed at me. I lifted my head off his shoulders and we locked eyes." beautiful" Ron mumbled to himself 

" what Ron?" I questioned him. 

"Er nothing"   

" I really do appreciate you being here for me" I smiled still looking into his beautiful eyes,  

"Anytime" He closed leaned closer into me and I felt myself doing the same
Was he gonna kiss me?!?   

" hey guys" Hermione came up behind us, we pushed ourselves away from each other.  

" Hi Hermione" we both said awkwardly hoping she hadn't seen anything. But knowing her, she did.  

"Mind if I study with you?" Said already pulling a chair up.
" actually, I am going to get ready for dinner, I will see you later"Ron flashed me a smile and he got up and left the library.  

Heroine waited a couple of minutes because she said anything. I felt my checks red.
" Okay so, what was that?" 

" nothing happened Hermione" I told her knowing she was wanted to hear gossip. "He was just being nice and comforting"  

"Looked more then being nice and comforting if you asked me" she giggled
I gave her a shove.
I tried to study and read my potions book but I could do that night was think of that Ronald Weasley. 

Word count: 1107 

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