1| a letter

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Aries pov
BEEP* BEEP* BE-* "Agh!" I screamed as I woke up, and at the same time destroy my 8th alarm clock this week. I started my way out of bed, doing my usual routine, you know, feeding my pet whale, and you know, other normal things. Just as walked out my room, I saw my brother, Saggy titties, and the human goldfish, LeHO. They were arguing over something, which I was to tried to care for. I was just peacefully gazing off, but then I got interrupted by the devil himself, Saggy titties. " Aries, can you tell Leo that I'm hotter! " "No way idiot, I'm clearly hotter, right Aries?" I did a 180, and looked them both dead in the eye, and said " I would tell you, but it's too bad that both of you are uglier than Leo's green drink, your room, and the left over the tye dye on the tables after girls scouts use it on their shirts,  all combined. " "DAMN!" both of them shouted at the same time.

After the fact that they were both ugly got settled, I noticed a neat envelope on the kitchen table, which wasn't there before. " Guys, come check this out, there's a letter. " Sag and Leo came over and all together we examined it. I decided to break the silence and say " Lets open it, I'm getting curious. " They both nodded there heads. I started to open it, and read the letter out loud.

" Dear,Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, I have write this letter to inform you that we are enrolling you into a special school called " elemental high" for the elite, skilled, and brave people out there with great control at the magic. We have created this school to address some of the rumors floating around, and help get rid of them. You three are 3 out of the 12 special selected students that will enroll at this school, that will do undercover businesses for us, and you will go by the name " blood ravens. " once you get to the school, we will call you over and tell you more information about your job. "
                                                                                                                            "Sincerely, elemental council"

"Huh it's stated from the council, must be important, and plus new school!" I said. "I wonder what they mean..." Said Leo. " Yeah, but one things for sure, I can tell that were going to have one hell of a time. " said Sagittarius.

Sorry it was short, but I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

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