Chapter 6

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Balthazar's POV

When we arrived, my legion was already here. My legion was a strange bunch of warriors. They were our society's outcasts that failed to see their strengths and abilities. I hand picked each and everyone of them, and brought out that brutal talent I knew they had within them. Here, I wasn't a Prince. I was a Commander and a brother.

When we pulled up Waylend greeted us. "Is my tent ready," I asked him. He nodded, "Yes, but for the life of us, we couldn't figure out why you requested a larger bed." "Because I am sharing it with her," I said while gesturing to Azula who was sleeping on the seats inside. "She a slave," he asked me. I shook my head, "She is my brother's rejected mate." Understanding shined in his emerald eyes. "I see. Think she will make it," He asked me. "For his sake, she better," I replied. "You seem to care for her," He pointed out to me. "You know me better than anyone Waylend," I told him. "I always have my reasons for doing the things I do." He nodded, "That you do sir. I'll inform the doc."

He walked away and I picked her up out of the limo. Lui and Destroyer then got out. "Woah," He said as he looked around. "This is so cool." "Keep Destroyer out of trouble," I told him as he ran off, Destroyer following close behind. I carried her to my tent and laid her on the bed. Her eyes were cracked open. Sioc climbed on to the bed and curled up next to her. It was hard to get Sioc to eat. She was so worried about Azula. It was a possibility she too will pass if Azula does.

Rí then got on the bed and laid so he was covering Sioc to keep her warm. "May I enter," Doc said from outside. "You may," I told him. He came in and looked at Azula. "May I examine her," he asked me. I nodded and moved away. I watched as he examined her over. Her eyes were still cracked open as she looked at him. "Have you gotten her to eat anything," he asked me. "Chicken broth and some bread, but she could not eat much," I replied. He nodded and continued what he was doing.

"Her body temperature is dropping to alarming temperatures, even too cold for an ice Fae," He told me. "To help increase her chances of survival, it would be best to have her take a warm bath to help raise it." I nodded, "I will see to it that it happens." He nodded and then left after a few more minutes. I went over to the large magic tub. I couldn't just put her in it, it would drown her due to it's massive size. The tub was automatically set to fill the tub to my size and water temperature preference, and there is no changing it. At least on such short notice. Meaning I would have to soak with her. Not wanting to make her too uncomfortable, I stripped down to just my boxer briefs. I took off her clothes except for her underwear. I picked her up bridal style before getting on. She rested against my chest.

"I must warn you Azula," I told her. "Although he rejected you, you will still hurt whenever you see him, and whenever he has sex with someone. The pain when he's having sex will stop when he mates with someone, and the pain when you see him will stop once you mate someone else. I know, because I've been living with this hell ever since my mate rejected me for him. The first couple of times he has sex will be much like it is for you now. Eventually it will become an ache much similar to heart burn. When he does mate though, it will be much worse than what you're going through now, however you won't die." I brushed some hair from her face. "I've been preparing myself for the day when Evaline mates, but knowing that he has the ability to now mate with her, it can happen any day." With Evaline gone on her cruise, it will give Azula some time to either get over this pain or pass away. Going through the pain of rejection and then immediately into the pain of having the bond completely ripped from you, is something I wouldn't wish on my worse enemy.

"The only way to save us from that pain is if we mate with someone else right," she asked softly, her voice sounding so tired. I nodded, "Precisely. However, I fear you wont be healed enough to mate with anyone by the time they do. Now don't waist your strength and breath. You can barely breathe as it is." A minute or so later she relaxed a little more, letting me know she had fallen asleep. I let her sit there a little longer before taking her out. I dried her off. I hated not having her consent, but I couldn't just leave her in her wet undergarments. So I quickly removed them then dried her off before putting her clothes on. I laid her in the bed, the baby dragons moving so when I covered her, they'd be under the blankets with her. I then changed and dried off before slipping on clean clothes. Here with my legion I wore leather pants, boots, and a black tshirt, much different than the suits I usually wear back home.

I found many of them sitting by the fires almost right outside of my tent. From there I can see inside. "Waylend and Doc said you brought a Fae woman with you," Bawler said. He was a mountain of a man, who was as wide as two large oak trees. It was all muscle. With one hand I've seen him break off the a cliff on the side of a mountain, by simply bringing his fist down upon the ground. "I did," I confirmed as I sat on the end of a bench. "Who is she," Waylend asked me. "Was my slave until yesterday," I told them. Knowing their loyalty will and forever be with me, I told them of our adventure to the temples then what happened once we were home.

"Azula is so cool," Lui said as he sat down. "You should have seen her when dad took us to the Dragon fields." He then pulled up the video on his phone of where she was carrying him on her back as she was dodging the dragons while running for the entrance. "She was so fast!" He exclaimed. "And she said she's even run in the Black Thorn Woods to save other slaves. She's even run into Hellcats and those are like super fast! She also bakes the best cookies I've ever had. She needs to teach the bakers at the palace."

I had to admit, her cooking was the best I've had as well.

"Sure she ain't lyin'," Doc asked him. Doc was a short man, but his knowledge of medicine was immense. I nodded, "I'm positive." "I don't think Azula can lie," Lui told them. "She doesn't even know how to have fun." As we talked, I would glance every now and then into the tent to see if she was still sleeping.

By the time I called it a night, it was late. I stripped to my underwear before crawling into bed. She was still in the same position I had laid her in. If I were being honest, things weren't looking good for her, but she kept hanging on. Knowing I had things to do tomorrow, I tried to get some sleep.

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