And Who Are You?

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Chapter 2

As soon as Alucard stood to look, Trevor and Sypha came skidding to a stop next to the mess. They both started talking at once, trying to figure out what had happened. At least until they saw everything. Alucard had bent to check on the woman, but she jumped to her feet before he could touch her. Or at least tried to.

She managed to push back enough that he understood she wanted space. As soon as she had it, she used the closest shelf to pull herself up, even if she had to lean on it to keep the weight off her injured leg. She then looked at them all with wide eyes as she finally spoke. "What the hell was that? What just happened?"

Alucard was still trying to check to see if any of the shards were embedded in his back, or if his injuries were just cuts, so Trevor was the first to speak. "That is a good question, and one I'd like an answer to as well."

Alucard shot the man a glare as he took off his jacket to asses the damage. However, it was Sypha that spoke next. "That can wait. She is injured."

The strange woman held out a hand. "My injury can wait until I figure out what happened." She then turned back to the tall man that had pulled her into this place. It was at that point that she saw his jacket covered in blood. She stepped toward him and almost fell, but she grabbed his arm to brace herself.

He looked down at her with a slight frown that disappeared when she spoke. "You're injured as well! I don't have many supplies, but I can try to help."

Trevor huffed a laugh at her quick turnabout. "You refuse help for yourself, but you're worried about him? There's no need."

The woman glared over at him, and her tone was sharp when she answered. "He got injured while helping me. I won't ignore that, even if I still don't know how or why."

Alucard's frown softened into almost a smile as he let his jacket drop and took the woman's other arm to help steady her. When she looked up at him, he nodded to the other two. "He is right. My injuries are already nearly healed. We need to look at your leg."

The look she gave him clearly showed her disbelief. "That's not possible."

Alucard sighed as he tried to lead her to someplace away from the shattered glass. She obliged by hobbling next to him, but it was clear to see that she still had many questions. Once they were away from the mess, he helped her sit on the floor so they could see what happened.

Sypha pushed her way to the front so she could help while Trevor knelt next to them. He was the first to speak. "Did you know that you have an eye stuck to your shoe?"

The woman's gaze jerked down to her feet, and sure enough, stuck to the heel she had used to kick the thing was an impaled eyeball. She hadn't realized that was what she hit. She slammed a hand over her mouth to keep from getting sick as she closed her eyes. They opened again almost immediately when she heard Trevor chuckle. Both women glared at him at that point, and he put his hands up as he stood.

"Sorry, sorry." He then grabbed Alucard and pulled him up. "Why don't you come and tell me what just happened while Sypha helps our guest." Alucard was frowning but obliged.

The strange woman didn't have time or willpower to worry about their departure, as the other woman, Sypha, was already working to take off her mangled boot to see how bad the damage was. It was not a pleasant experience. Thankfully, Sypha started talking to try and distract her while she worked. "I'm sure you heard, but my name is Sypha. Would you mind sharing yours?"

The woman was grimacing at the way Sypha was prodding her leg but managed to speak. "Everyone calls me Eva." She paused for a moment before she decided to go ahead and ask what was on her mind. "I know you weren't there, but do you have any idea about the portal that man was using?"

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