Chapter 2: Recovery Girl?

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Kirishima POV

I opened his door, and walked over to the little lump in his covers.

I saw his head poke out from under them, and look at me with dead eyes.

"Wow Bakubro, you do not look good, like at all..." I say. I look at him more, he's pale and sickly, his eyes look sunken in, and red rimmed, and his hair is not spiky and very disheveled.

"No shit Sherlock." He says gruffly.

"Well I just wanted to pay you a visit, to make sure you're doing ok..." I trail off.

"I'll be better tomorrow shitty hair." He says, "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be going back to sleep." He turns over and shoos me out of the room.

I turn around and walk out of the room, and run into Mrs. Bakugou, "I'll be leaving now, thank you for letting me see him."

"No problem honey, the brat needs friends anyway." She smiles and walks around me and into Bakugou's room.

I walk back downstairs, slip on my shoes, and walk back to my house.

Katsuki POV (Next Morning)

I feel a little better this least well enough to go to school.

I don't really have an appetite this morning, so I do my morning routine, grab my bag, and walk to school.

Wow I'm really tired, I bet it's left over from what I had yesterday, yeah that's it.

I get into the classroom and sit down in my seat, not having enough energy to put my feet up on the desk like usual.

I sigh and put my head in my arms, maybe I'll try to take a nap before class.

I drift off into darkness, only to feel like 5 seconds pass, and be woken up.

"BAKUGOU!" Aizawa yells, startling me out of my nap.

"Huh, what?" I ask confused.

I hear the rest of the class snickering behind me. I look up at Aizawa who does not look happy.

"Please answer the question?" Aizawa says through gritted teeth.

I look at the board, it's a math equation, "Th-Thr-Thre-ee" I try to say but it's like my mouth won't let me talk.

SHIT, another wave of nausea hits me, I get up and sprint out of the classroom and to the bathroom. Just barely making it, and vomiting into the toilet.

Kirishima comes in shortly after and rubs my back, while I'm constantly dry heaving over the toilet bowl.

"You ok, bro?" Kirishima asks me to be concerned about lacing his voice.

"Obviously not shithead." I retort.

"Right, well let's get you to Recovery Girl, ok?" He says helping me up.

"Recovery Girl, who's that?" I ask confused, I have a fuzzy outline of who she is, but not a complete picture.

"Seriously dude? She's the school nurse." Kirishima says rolling eyes playfully.

"Ohh ok, for some reason I couldn't remember who she was." I say looking down as Kirishima guides me out of the bathroom and down the hall.

"That's strange..." Kirishima trails off, and stays silent the rest of the way to Recovery Girl.

Kirishima opened the door to the infirmary for me and I staggered in and to one of the open beds. I slowly sit down, and wait for Recovery Girl. Kirishima, standing off to the side of me, worry written all over his face.

Recovery Girl comes from around the corner, "Alright what are we in for today Bakugou?" She asks looking at me with an aggravated expression.

"Well..." Kirishima starts.

A/N: Well hello there, thank you for reading my story!


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