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It was a quiet day for Officer Lee, he only had to stop two cars during his shift as a traffic officer. An old woman tried to excuse the use of her phone while driving, saying that she was making an important appointment with her hairstylist. When Hoseok ignored her explanation and gave her the ticket anyway, she threatened to make him lose his job. The officer only laughed at her threats and wished her a good day.

Being a traffic officer wasn't what he wanted to do after he got out of the police academy, his dream was to be a part of the specialized crimes unit. He was sure that if he showed he was good in any unit he was put into; they would see his true potential and move him to he job of his dreams. That's why Officer Lee Hoseok takes his job very seriously and rarely, not to say never, forgives some of the traffic offenses. Thanks to that, he got recognition for issuing a lot of fines in a year by the very mayor of the city.

As he was driving around, he saw that a car had one of its taillights broken, the officer immediately pulled of the sirens and instructed the driver to pull up in the side of the road. The driver obeyed and Hoseok pulled up right behind his car.

When he got out of his patrol car, Hoseok took off his sunglasses and observed the vehicle that seemed to belong to a teenager or a broke university student. The back window of the car had some cat and dog stickers. His suspicions were confirmed when he walked up to the driver's window.

A nervous boy who looked to be at least 18 years old was in the driver's seat, playing with the end of the sleeves of his oversized pink sweater. Clearly, he was avoiding Hoseok's eyes and he didn't blame him. A lot of people say his good physique and attractive appearance are intimidating to people.

"Good evening Sir, do you know why I stopped you?" Hoseok asked.

"N-no Officer," The boy answered shyly.

"I stopped you because one of your taillights is broken. You could've caused an accident, especially at night, thanks to your carelessness young man."

The boy's eyes widened as if he was remembering something, and for the first time he looked at Hoseok in the eyes.

"I'm so sorry Officer. My Kihyun hyung told me the same thing a few days ago, but I forgot to change them." He said with a pout. In his head he was scolding himself for forgetting to change his lights. Now he'll be late to his job thanks to the handsome cop.

"License and registration papers please." He ordered while trying to remain professional. The kid's tenderness made him want to forgive his crime and tell him everything was alright, but unfortunately Hoseok had to obey the law and couldn't make an exception for the cute kid.

The boy gave him his documents and when their hands touched by accident, the kid apologized timidly. Hoseok pretended like he didn't see his blushing cheeks and inspected the documents. The clumsy boy's name was Im Changkyun and he was 19 years old. He wrote down the information and returned the papers to the younger who had a worried gaze as he looked down at his phone.

"Is something wrong?" Hoseok asked curiously as Changkyun kept checking the time on his phone.

"It's just that...I'm going to be late for my job at the flower shop."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Changkyun looked at him with confusion. Why is he apologizing to him? The officer is only doing his job anyway. "I'll give you your ticket and then I'll let you go."

Changkyun's eyes widened in surprise. A ticket? The most he expected was at least a warning. A ticket would make his bank account unbalanced, especially since he was a college student paying for tuition, food and rent.

"A ticket? B-but it was an accident officer, I didn't forget on purpose. I would never want to cause an accident and hurt others because of me." He explained anxiously.

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