Chapter 13 - Quilt

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It was late the next morning and Josh was at Maya's bed.
He sighed as he does realize it won't help anyone if he just goes and disappears.
He looks over at Maya who was fast asleep lightly taking her hand into his.
He remembers the last time he felt so nervous as well as the first.

"Gosh, why am I nervous?" Josh asked and Cory smiled.
"Because you're taking a girl you've known for quite a bit to her prom," Cory said as Riley came out of her room dressed all out in a sparkling blue dress.

"And yet again my fashion stylist daughter is looking her best," Cory said.
"You ready to see her?" Riley asked and Josh nod.
"You can come out," Riley said as Maya came out from the room.

She wore a dress which had a black top and the bottem part was pink three-quarter covered in black butterflies.
Josh smiles trying to keep himself from doing something idiotic but goodness knows how he was doing.

"You look gorgeous," Josh said.
"Thank you," Maya said as Josh gave her a kiss on her cheek.
"Okay, let's stand together for a picture," Topanga said.

Josh lightly shakes his head coming out of the day dream he had and tried to figure out how he was going to tell Maya about her father.
He got so angry three years ago because she compared him to Kermit and now he works for that same man.
He exhales as he sees Maya's eyes fluttering open.

"Hey," Josh said.
"Josh?" Maya said and Josh exhaled once again.
"You're okay," Josh said giving her a kiss against her head.

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