Chapter 6

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The next time I wake up we are at the edge of a cliff.

"Now there will be no reminence of the air nomads once we get rid of the four of you."

I am not strapped to anything so I try to airbend, but nothing happens.

This is hopeless.

Me and my family are dragged to the edge and kicked of.

I watch my tears fly as I fall.

I can't handle this so I sing.

"I can fly
I swear I can fly
If I fall I won't hit the ground"

That is it! If I fall none of us will hit the ground!

I attempt to make a ball of air and it works!

"I can fly
I swear I can fly"

And I can fly. I make a sheet of air and save my family centimeters from the ground.

"Thank you" my dad says.

The four of us just lay there taking in what just happened.

"I am so sorry." I say, balling.

I give my dad, Ikki, and Meelo a big hug.

"Lets just go home." Ikki says.

I Can Fly (Legend of Korra Fan Fic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें