Chapter 5

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I woke up to us being taken out of a car.

"You can't do this!" I yelled.

"Shut up kid!" An equalist yells. "Just get them to the platforms!"

Platforms? What could that be?

But before I could think of anything else, I saw my dad.

"Dad!" I whispered.

"Jinora! Everything is going to be ok." He replies.

I wish I could say he was right, but the platform my dad, Ikki, Meelo, and I were on raised, and my worst nightmare came true.

Amon appeared.

"Now, for my next showing. I shall take away the bending from all of the airbenders left on earth." He says.

Everybody in the audience cheered.

"Starting with the old one."

I watch in horror as my dad is dragged up to the front of the stage. I can't stay here.

"No!" I screech.

Some equalists take a rope and tie it over my mouth.

Beads of sweat roll down my face. Knowing that I can't do anything is killing me.

And the worst part is, I am the last one to go.

I watch as one by one my small family is taken out by the equalists.

"Now for the loud mouth..." Amon says.

My worst fears are confirmed the second he puts his nasty finger on my forehead. My pupils dilate and I am on the ground, unconscious.

I know the truth about Amon.

He is a water bender.

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