Chapter 2

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𝕿he next morning Jenny awoke rather early since she heard muffled voices from outside her room. She turned over and tried to silence the voices which turned out to not work. Her head whipped to the door and she peeled out of bed. Instantly regretting it as the cold temperature in the room hit her naked legs. 

She quickly wrapped her warm blanket around her legs and walked out of her room. The voices seemed to be coming out of Noah's room. His door was open and as curious as Jenny was she sneaked up to his door and glanced into his room.

Noah's room was way cooler than Marias, mostly dark blue or black things were inside it. Noah was talking to someone taller than himself and way more slim, he almost looked fragile. "Oh. Im sorry Jenny, we didn't mean to wake you." The girl’s  eyes widened and her whole face reddened as she fastly stood straight, fixing the blanket over her shoulders in a nervous manner. "uhm...dont worry about it.." she muttered and cleared her throat after her voice failed briefly. "This is my Coworker Flake" Noah introduced the stranger to her.

She eyed Flake for a second. He wore big glasses that sat on his rather big nose, and seemed to be constantly uncomfortable. The guy in front of her had some sort of strange Aura around him. Yet he seemed to be nice and when his mouth had twitched into a kind of shy and inept smile, Jenny couldn't help but smile back. "Hi, nice to meet you.” Jenny said but ended up yawning after her words were spoken which caused Noah to laugh out. „You slept more than sixteen hours and you're still tired?" he asked mockingly "we werent even able to wake you for dinner" he added and then sat down.

Flake and Noah then returned their attention back to their previous conversation "I don't know if I can make it to your concert tomorrow. Till und Jörg want us to rehearse more since our last concert didn't go that well. Plus Richard will be leaving soon for a few weeks and we have no guitarist who can jump in”, Noah stated and Flake examined Noah for a second. „Technically Aljoscha wanted to visit his mother, which would mean Paul and I could help you guys out for that time" Flake said and ran a hand through his hair.

"Wait a second! You two are in a band?!" Jenny exclaimed and once again stood wide eyed in front of them, both Noah and Flake eyed her before slowly nodding. "Take me with you to rehearsal!" Jenny said to Noah "Please, please I want to see something exciting!" she said and glanced at him with puppy eyes, yet Noah shook his head "I don’t think the band would like that, dont get me wrong, Im sure Richard would enjoy the attention but Till would probably kick you out.” Jenny strolled into Noah's room the blanket still hanging from her shoulders as she wrapped her arms around her Cousin "You don't want to spend time with your Cousin?" she muttered against Noah's chest and then peeked up to him. Noah sighed audibly and glanced down to her before his gaze wandered over to Flake who only raised his hands defensively and shrugged shoulders.

"Fine but if you get thrown out I won’t bring you back here”, he warned her and cocked one of his eyebrows. "Fine by me", Jenny muttered and smiled stepping away. „Give me half an hour" she said and walked out of the room again. 

She went into her room and opened her trunk throwing it onto her bed as she started to look for some clothes. Of course now while looking at them she couldn't find anything which nearly drove her insane. After a while she finally found a red crop top with black and white stripes to that she chose her new highwaist skirt that reached to her mid thighs as well as some see through crossed tights along some black ankle boots.

"perfect”, she muttered and grabbed the pile of clothes carrying it with her to the bathroom. Jenny quickly jumped into the shower, washed her hair and body and then dried herself. Since she wore her hair short now it dried quicker too.

she slipped into her clothes and admired herself. She had always felt invisible because there was never something special about her. No one that made her feel special, and now with her new haircut and the edgy style she felt comfortable with herself not caring what other people thought of her.

She glanced at herself in the mirror for a short second touching her cheek before she made a grimace at herself smirking a little as she twirled around to check her outfit once more. Knowing she should hurry up a bit she grabbed her Walkman and headed back to Noah's room. 

"Im ready.” Jenny sang with a smile folding her arms. Noah rolled his eyes and muttered "finally". "We’re late now so if one of the others gets mad I'll blame it on you.”, he said and walked past her. Flake was still there as well.
"I can give you a ride. I don't mind I still have time until I meet up with Paul" he told Noah who smiled a little.
"You really don't have to. We would have been on time if our dearest Jenny wouldn't have taken so long" he said and then wrapped one arm around Jenny who nudged his side annoyed.
"I want to.” Flake then spoke after a quite moment and then walked outside with them.

He had a small red car but it was really nice "That car is amazing Flake!" Jenny said smiling brightly and slid into the back to give Noah the place in the front.

With that they started driving off "Shouldn't we have wrote my dad at least a note?" Jenny then asked.
"It’ll be alright", Noah shrugged it off and lit himself a cigarette "Eh Flake want a chesterfield? My uncle brought three packages for me. Don’t you worry, they’re really not that strong.”, he said offering his friend one who hesitated but then took one.
Jenny thought Flake was a bit odd but he sure was a nice guy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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