"Christ, never mind me, just ignore what I'm saying," Rosé rambled, noticing the hurt look on Jennie's face. She hated to see her sister like this, she had actually been ecstatic that Jennie had Lisa. Of course, Rosé had had her reservations at first, but as she'd gotten to know Lisa she knew she had been wrong. They were a perfect match, and it hurt her to see them both in so much pain when they loved each other.

Rosé made a promise to herself that she would go after Lillian Manoban with a vengeance. She wouldn't let Lisa's mom be the cause of Jennie's heartbreak. She also had a few choice words to say to Lisa. She may have been upset too, but Rosé was hoping she could talk some sense into her, knowing that Jennie would forgive Lisa in an instant.

Before she left, Rosé made Jennie shower whilst she made her a sandwich. Kissing her sister on the cheek, she left her tucked in on the sofa watching TV.

Rosé had to make another visit to L-Corp.



Lisa spun around at the shout. It was Rosé, and she didn't look impressed as she stormed towards Lisa. This morning, she'd been calm and reassuring, taking Lisa's appearance as a side-effect of spending a few days in prison, not as the side-effect of Lisa breaking up with her sister. Clearly Jennie had filled her in now.

Lisa swallowed the lump in her throat as Rosé made her way towards her. She was ready to take whatever Rosé threw at her, she deserved it anyway.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Rosé hissed, "I just spent my entire lunch break trying to get my sister to stop crying because you broke her heart." She stopped in front of Lisa, glaring at her as she crossed her arms.

"I-" she swallowed thickly, her eyes stinging as she blinked back tears, trying to keep her mask of stone in place, "I'm trying to protect her."

Rosé raised an eyebrow at her, "and you're doing such a good job at that."

Lisa flinched and Rosé felt guilty about the flicker of pain that flashed across her face. It wasn't Lisa's fault, in some ways Rosé admired her for having the strength to be so selfless. She liked to think she'd do the same for Jisoo if they were in the same situation.

"Come on, get your stuff," Rosé told her, waiting for Lisa to move.

"The, uh, they told me I need to stay here to answer any questions," Lisa explained, gesturing to the other agents standing around.

"Well the questions can wait, you need to eat and shower, you look like shit," Rosé argued. Her bluntness got a quick laugh out of Lisa, who picked up her bag and gestured for Rosé to lead the way.


Lisa opened the door to her apartment. It was dark inside with all the blinds shut, and the air was cool. It didn't feel like home to her. She had never really liked staying here, it's why she spent so much time at the office. The only time it had ever felt like home was when Jennie stayed here with her, but that was more to do with the fact that Jennie was Lisa's home.

Rosé trailed in behind Lisa and they both hung their coats up on the rack. Lisa flipped the light switches as she walked further into the apartment. The place felt empty, like there was no one living there. It had been ransacked by the FBI a couple of days ago, anything that could be holding information had been taken.

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