How You Meet Again (P. 1)

Start from the beginning

Her beautiful eyes locked with mine quickly. "You thought I would reject you?" I asked her softly. 

She nods her head, yes. "Yeah. I was scared that you would reject me. I wanted to-to tell you but then... I would-I got scared and I would tell myself that I'll tell you tomorrow and then... months later" she said. "Then since it's been months I got scared because it has been months and I still haven't told you so I again kept it hidden until... today" she adds on.

"Why would you think I'll reject you? I have liked you this whole time?" I asked her. She looked at me shocked and confused. "What?" She asks. 

"I thought you knew" I said. I really thought she knew that I liked her. I tried my best to keep it hidden but that didn't work. I would become a blushing and stuttering mess at times. When I would be speaking well and my eyes would land onto this beautiful creature that is when I would start to become a mess. How did she not know!? She's so smart.

Plus most of the team makes fun of me for liking her. How could she not know? My father even knows? Why would she think I would reject her? 

She got up from the chair and looked with wide eyes. Those beautiful eyes. "Wait what?" She asks again. 

"I like you. I would like to court you"

 I would like to court you"

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Sif pov. 

I wince in pain as I pull my arms in front of me. The arrow was of course still stuck in my left arm. It didn't help that my soulmate had a good grip onto my arm. I tried to pull my arm away from his grip but he didnt let me move from my spot.

His fingers softly but tight enough to guide me to look at him. My hood falls off my head to show him my face finally. 

I mently groan. I should get a mask so if my hood falls off no one could see my face. "Are you ok my dear?" He asks with a smirk on his face. My cheeks quickly heated up fast. I shake my head and I bite my lip hard. I probably broke through skin.

I stayed quiet. His smirk didn't change, "you're not going to talk anymore my dragon rider?" He asks. His finger went up and pulled my lip away from my teeth, his thumb whipped my blood away from my mouth. His eyes flickered away from my eyes to my arm to the arrow that was digged into my arm. 

"We need to get this out of you now" he said.

No, no, no. My heart sped up so fast at the thought of having to either rip it out of me or whatever he had planned. I struggle away from him. I grabbed my arm in pain as I stepped back. I hit something behind me. 

"Dear calm down. We need to get it out of your arm" he said again. He stepped over to me with his hands out towards me. "I will do it myself if you want but we have a healer. Let me take you to her" he said. 


"Hmm" my eyes snapped to him as he stood right beside me. "I just want to go back home," I quietly said. 

Third person POV. 

Sif felt weak around him. She felt the bond between them and as much as she would like to get to know him... but he was the guy they were trying to take down she didn't know what to do. 

She was a dragon rider as he was a dragon hunter. She felt her eyes heat up as she got scared more than she has ever been scared before. She wasn't scared of him, she was scared that she didn't know what to do. She felt sick, her arm hurts, her soulmate is someone who kills dragons, she didn't know how Hiccup was going to feel about Viggo being her soulmate. So many things ran through her head, she was in such deep thoughts that she didn't realize that she was panicking badly and in seconds she had passed out into his arms. 


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Sorry for bad grammar or spelling errors

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