"I'm sorry, there's an emergency at the office, I'll call you later," Lisa explained, hurrying over to kiss Jennie goodbye.

"I love you," Lisa promised, kissing her again before she walked out the door.


Jennie stayed up late waiting for Lisa to call. She finished the end of Home Alone by herself, and then turned the TV over to a nature documentary that she was only half paying attention to. She was too busy wondering what was wrong. It had to be important for Lisa to rush off like that.

In the end, she went to bed. It was just past midnight and Jennie assumed that Lisa had fallen asleep when she got home and forgot to call. Besides, Jennie had to be up for work in the morning and needed her sleep. She'd talk to Lisa in the morning.


It was eight o'clock in the morning and Jennie had just started work. She still hadn't heard from Lisa, and was a bit annoyed that she hadn't replied to her texts. Jennie told herself not to overreact, of course Lisa would have a good reason, maybe her phone had gone flat and she hadn't gotten around to charging it yet.

Busying herself with her work, and with listening Jackson's stories about his Dungeons and Dragons game last night, Jennie managed to put Lisa out of her mind for a little while. Of course she was still anxiously awaiting a text back.

An hour later, Jennie got a call from Rosé. That was weird, Rosé never called her; one sided conversations weren't very fun. Furrowing her brows, Jennie answered her phone, waiting for Rosé to talk.

"Jennie?" Rosé's worried voice came through, immediately filling Jennie's stomach with dread. "Okay, I need you not to panic, Lisa's fine." Jennie let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding, relief flooding her body.

"We had a tip-off last night that the CEO of L-Corp was embezzling funds, the FBI was sent there last night, and an investigation is underway," Rosé rambled as Jennie's panic flared back up.

"An arrest warrant was sent out this morning and Lisa's in FBI custody, but she's okay Jennie, I took her in myself. I'm not supposed to be telling you any of this but I promised Lisa I'd call you for her."

Jennie was close to tears at this point.

"You can't see her, she's still being questioned and then they'll probably transfer her straight to jail, but she'll be let out on bail in the next day or two," Rosé's voice was shaking as she explained the situation to Jennie, and that worried her more than anything.

Rosé was the strongest person she knew, but Jennie could hear the worry in her voice, and that made it a thousand times worse for her. She knew Lillian was the source of the tip-off, because of course it was. It was all too convenient that a few days after she had threatened Lisa, and tried to blackmail her, that Lisa was arrested for embezzlement.

"She wanted me to tell you that she loves you," Rosé continued, pausing as she waited for Jennie to take it in.

"I have to go now; I'll message you later. We can meet up for lunch and I'll tell you everything else," Rosé promised before hanging up.

Jennie fell back into her chair, her phone dangling uselessly at her side. Fighting back tears, she tried to make herself look busy. She could feel Jackson's questioning eyes watching her, but Jennie ignored him.

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