Meeting the Parents

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In the end I (thankfully) avoided the waiters number and all was good with the one and only shit head- Saiki Kusuo

After the cafe mi amigo Saiki decided we should get to his house for the project. Ughhhhh.
We were around the block when I heard what I assumed to be- saiki's parents- wondering where Saiki was.
'What if my little Koo is out with a girlllll!!' A female voice exclaimed
'I hope kusuo hurries home so he can fix this for me' a male thought. You turned the street and realized your house was literally three down from his.

You walked through the door with Saiki.
Saikis- what you assumed to be- father came rushing in the room and gasping for air.
"KUSUO CAN YOU FIX THIS WITH YOUR POWERS PLEASE" he said before he noticed you, making you laugh internally.
Saikis dad then noticed you. "UH POWERS HAHA WHAT POWERS WHATS A PSYCHIC!??" He said sweating nervously. You laughed lightly- this time with your voice as you noticed his soul leave his body when saiki fixed the little toy.

"WAIT HOW DOES SHE KNOW I- KNOW WHAT WHOS SAIKI??" The (what i assumed to be) mother asked.
"She knows." saiki replied plainly as if he didn't just share one of the biggest secrets like ever.

Both of his parents gasp
"My little Koo really trusts his girlfriend then" the mom started fanning her tears.

I laughed slightly trying to ease the atmosphere.
"It's not like that, we just met. i have powers too." i said calmly.

At this point i wouldn't be supprised if the neighbors filed a noise complaint- oh right i am neighbors with this introverted little strawberry headed shiet- fml.

"YOU HAVE TO STAY FOR DINNER OUR, OUR SWEET KOOS LITTLE FUTURE WIFE!!" they both exclaimed as i was inwardly tying a noose.

I scratched the back of my head with heated cheeks, "Okay ma'am." i replied sweetly

"Oh no honey!! Call me mom" she said with a closed eyed smile.

"Stop overparenting someone who's isn't even your child" saiki said pinching the bridge of his nose.

"We have to grab some things then we will be out of the house for a bit." he said as he walked past his parents and headed to his room, expecting me to follow.

"Ahh, thank you both for your hospitality!" i said with a bow as i followed saiki up the stairs.

His parents are really kind. huh i'm kinda jealous of that bubblegum haired monkey shit smellin ass- aight i'll stop..

Saiki's POV

I knew they were going to act this way.

then why do i still feel embarrassed.
i didn't care when they did this to Teruhashi

I feel my cheeks heating up so i quickly excused y/n and i upstairs.

what the hell is wrong with me?

ayo i'm so sorryyyyyyyy anywho have fun kids and be safe 👁👄👁

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