A New Beginning?

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After the tears had finally passed he began unpacking the basket of food. He knew he had to make this last him because he had no way of getting any money or food other than stealing and he hated the though of what his beloved father would think of him if he knew. He knew in his heart he could never do it again. Things would be so much easier if it wasn't for him losing his job but everyone around here eventually fell victim of the budget cuts everywhere had been having to make. Trying to stay positive he would think to himself "I'm safer now." But he knew that he couldn't live without money.

He was lucky he had been in basement of the firm that night. The night the rest of his family had died. Had he not been down there he would have definitely been brutally murdered like the rest of them. He had been working on his assignments for college down there and had fallen asleep. His dad had given him the room to do with as he liked and he had turned it into his own little man cave. But when he lost his job he had to sell everything he had to buy food. Now all he had after nearly a year here was that beaten old mattress with a thin sheet as a blanket and a table. The power to the building had been turned off months ago when the first break in happened after his fathers death.

He finished rationing the food he had stolen and sat back down on the mattress. He began recalling the memories of his family once again and before he knew it he had fallen asleep. Sweat poured from his forehead as he slept. The same nightmare always haunted him. Walking into his house to see his mother and father bloody beaten messes on the floor. Walking up the stairs to see his older brother sprawled out at the top the word stray carved into his torso. The tattoo on his brothers chest had been cut off of him.

Suddenly there was a loud bag and Jeongin shot up awake. He heard loud footsteps and gunshots in the hallway. He backed into the darkest corner of the room praying to god not to die. The door into his room swung open and a broad blonde haired man walked into the room. The mans eyes locked with Jeongin's and he raised his gun to him. "Please don't shoot." Jeongin whimpered as the blonde man took a step closer. The man ushered Jeongin to stand with a wave of his gun and Jeongin done as told. The man could see Jeongin was no threat. He lowered the gun and looked behind him shaking his head to the 4 men stood behind him.

He turned back to Jeongin, now with a confused look on his face. "What are you doing down here?" He asked. His voice was stern but had a sense of concern to it. The men behind him took a step forward. "This is my home." Jeongin replied, embarrassed to admit it. The blonde man stared at him while the men behind him laughed. "What do you mean your home? You live here?" The blonde man asked the concern in his voice growing as he nudged the man to his left. The other men went silent and Jeongin just shook his head, terrified of what this man would do to him. The man looked around and looked back to Jeongin and spoke to him once again. "Aren't you a bit young to be by yourself? I mean you must only be what 16?" Jeongin nodded. "My parents are..." Jeongin froze, a tear running down his cheek as he turned his face away, the light from the small window sweeping across his blushed cheeks. The blonde man stared at Jeongins face, which he hadn't been able to see properly until now, for a moment seemingly shocked. "It's okay now. You're gonna be okay." The blonde man said as he took a few more steps towards Jeongin and pulled him into his chest. The men behind him looked at him confused as to why he was hugging him until they once again realised where they were.

"I'm sorry if we scared you." The blonde man began. "We had noticed there was signs of someone down here and i had to check. You must be Jeongin. I was a good friend of your brother." Jeongin looked up at the man, his eyes shiny and red. "You knew my brother? Wait how did you know it was me?" Jeongin was very confused. "I knew who you were when I was your face. You look just like your brother. Now there's no time for questions. We should really get somewhere safer before stray realise I'm here and put a target on my back. Here take this." The blonde man said passing Jeongin a gun he had in the belt of his jeans. Jeongin's eyes widened but before he could refuse it the man forced it into his hand and began to tug his wrist towards the door. Jeongin not knowing what to do followed him. They ran to the top of the stairs where a large black van sat outside. One of the 4 other men ran towards the drivers seat. He was kind of lanky with fluffy brown hair and slightly chubby cheeks. He turned back to Jeongin and smiled a cute smile before jumping into the front seat. The others all jumped into the back of the van and the blonde man tugged Jeongins wrist making him follow suit. As the van sped off the blonde man turned once again to Jeongin. "I'm Chris by the way."

War Of Love ~SKZ~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang