Once he got to his locker, he put his books inside and grabbed his backpack.


Harry looked over nervously, holding his bag to his chest, and was surprised to see the boy he bumped into yesterday standing there.


Harry was so confused. Why was this boy (who was extremely hot and clearly older) talking to him?

"Are you feeling better today?"

That's when Harry noticed his accent, shocked to hear it.

"You have an accent."

The boy laughed and nodded. "I do. Thanks for noticing."

Harry frowned. "Why don't people make fun of you? Yours is even thicker than mine," it's like the words were just deciding to come out before Harry could even decide.

"Because I don't let them. Anyways, are you feeling better today?"

"I guess, yeah."

Harry looked down then and noticed the knuckles on the boy's right hand were all bruised, causing him to furrow his eyebrows in confusion.

The boy noticed him looking and moved the arm behind his back. "I'm Louis, by the way."


Was Louis the one who beat up Kyle? Why would he do that for Harry?

Louis smiled. "I'm gonna call you Hazza. How's that sound?"

Harry's head was spinning, a lot was happening and Louis was very hot.

"Okay," Harry simply nodded.

"You wanna get lunch with me?"

Harry was sure this was a prank, but then he remembered Louis' bruised knuckles and Kyle's beaten up face, and he felt himself agreeing.

"Yeah, okay."


It'd been a week since Louis first spoke to Harry and he almost never left the boy's side.

He even sometimes held onto Harry's waist when the halls were busy and it made Harry blush every time.

Harry didn't really know if they were just friends, or if Louis liked him more than that. Sometimes it seemed like he was flirting, but Harry had no idea. He'd never dated anyone before, he wasn't even fully sure of his sexuality. He just knew he liked boys - especially Louis - and he was iffy about girls.

Harry sighed as he closed his locker, glancing around at the students in the hall and looking for a particular blue eyed boy.

His phone vibrated in his pocket and he pulled it out to see a text from Louis.

From: Lou😊

Hey Haz, not feeling too good, won't be at school today. Lunch will be on me tomorrow yeah? xx

Harry frowned, his stomach flipping nervously at the thought of Louis not being here with him.

From: Hazza <3

Okay :/ I'll see you tomorrow xx

Harry pocketed his phone and began walking to his first class, his gaze returning to its usual place - the floor.

Before he could even realize what was happening, he was being pulled into the bathroom and was thrown on the floor.

He looked up with terrified eyes to see Kyle with two of his friends.

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