Sighing, Jennie nodded, pulling Lisa in the right direction. On the walk there Lisa tried to make up for her silence during in dinner. She didn't tell Jennie what was wrong, but she told her about the rest of her day.


Once they got to the outdoor rink they bought tickets for the next ice skating session. They still had some time to spare and Jennie pointed to the giant ferris wheel, her face lit up with excitement. Lisa couldn't say no to her.

They were halfway round the first rotation and Lisa sat there, her hands clenching the bars as tightly as she could. Jennie was amazed by the view, she'd always wished she could fly when she was younger, and was leaning over the side of the carriage.

She moved a little far over the edge for Lisa's comfort, and Lisa grabbed her by the back of her coat, pulling her back down into her seat. "Please don't do that, you're making my nerves bad," Lisa told Jennie, her face was even paler, which was saying something.

She hadn't told Jennie she was afraid of heights. Going on business trips was one of the things Lisa dreaded most, because even a tiny glimpse through the windows of how far up she was enough to make her stomach drop.

They were nearing the top of the second rotation when the wheel stopped turning. Lisa grabbed the bars, panicking slightly. "Why have we stopped?" she panicked, looking at Jennie with wide eyes.

'It's okay, they're just letting people on or off at the bottom, relax'

"Relax?!" Lisa laughed hysterically, "we're dangling a hundred feet in the air!"

Jennie covered her mouth with her hand, trying to hide her smile. Lisa Manoban was afraid of heights. Lisa saw her smile anyway, and rolled her eyes.

"Go ahead, laugh at me," Lisa smiled, leaning back in her seat and closing her eyes. Their carriage rocked gently as Jennie slid closer to Lisa, who tensed up in fear.

Jennie brushed Lisa's hair off the side of her neck, and pressed her lips to the exposed skin. Lisa exhaled softly, all of the tension draining out of her. Jennie's lips wandered up Lisa's neck and along her jaw, before capturing Lisa's lips with her own.

They stayed locked together for the rest of the ride, and Lisa didn't even notice that they stopped twice more. She was in a much better mood by the time they reached the bottom and got off.


They donned their hats and gloves before lacing on a pair of skates and making their way onto the ice. Lisa was getting good now, she didn't fall over as much anymore, and she held onto Jennie's hand instead of shuffling along as she held onto the side of the rink.

Jennie was quite good at skating, but slowly gliding along on the ice was worth it if it meant she got to hold Lisa's hands as they made circuits around the rink. After a while, Jennie managed to convince Lisa to skate out to the middle. They stood in the middle facing each other, slowly turning in small circles as Lisa held on to Jennie.

Lisa accidentally kicked the ice as they were turning around again, and tripped herself up. She fell forwards into Jennie, who tried to help her catch her balance, but instead lost her own. They fell into a pile on the ice, tangled together as they laughed. Lisa had Jennie pinned down, and she smiled as she lean down to kiss her.

She tried to get up, but slipped, collapsing back down onto Jennie, laughing again. After a few attempts, and failures, they both managed to get back onto their feet. Lisa turned Jennie around, brushing all the crushed ice off her back. They decided to call it quits after that, skating over to the exit and replaced the skates with their shoes.

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